Generic term for any virchworld in or apart from the Known Net; a subdivision of the Cybercosm.
- Cybercosm, The
- Reality Room
- Ril, R/L, RL, Real Life, Rel
- Simmball
- Simulationism
- Virch
- Virchbuilder Packages
- Virchers
- Virchology
- Virchspace - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Any digital space or environment; pertaining to virch or a cybercosm.
- Virchuniverse - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Generally, an aggregation or collection of thousands of interconnected virchworlds or cybercosms, all sharing the same basic ontology and lay-out, to make traveling from one to the other easier. Sometimes also used to designate a single extremely large virchworld.
- Virchworld
- Virtual
- Virtual Body - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
One's av (avatar), the body one takes when 'facing in virtual reality. By means of the virtual body, even the sensorium of the ordinary body is transformed to appear and feel different than it does in rl.
- Virtual Reality
- Virtualics - Text by Anders Sandberg
Science and art of engineering, designing, and/or studying virtual worlds and universes.
- Virtualism - Text by Anders Sandberg
The belief, common among many long-term virchers and long-term copies, that only virch is real, and ril is an illusion.
- VR