
- Arctic City Virch
- Classification of Virch Worlds, The
- Comparative Chronology
- Covenant Data Layer Scale, The
- Cybercosm - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Generic term for any virchworld in or apart from the Known Net; a subdivision of the Cybercosm.
- Cybercosm, The
- EmotSpace Virchworlds
- Googlehertz Virchdrome - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Panvirt dyson, part of the Union of Virtual Aipolities , site of the famous "Meeting at Googlehertz" which established the Central Alliance.
- Nullship
- Ouroboros Virchspace Theory - Text by Liam Jones
Also known as: 'Closed Loop Virchspace Theory', 'Eternal Virtual Universes'. Belief that there is no true 'real' universe, but that our universe is a virchspace held within another virchspace held within yet another virchspace, going eternally until one comes back to our own universe again.
- Paygeesu Virches
- Physical Existence (virchology) - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Existence in r/l as opposed to virch; slow-time.
- PolyCubicSpace
- Recursiverch, Recursivirch
- Secrets Inscribed in Caustics
- Sepulchre Variations, The
- Societeum
- System Double Virchworlds
- Virch
- Virch Egress Anxiety Disorder
- Virch-Speed Maladaptive Disorder
- Virchbuilder Packages
- Virchers
- VirchGods
- VirchMon
- Virchology
- Virchophobia - Text by Thorbørn Steen
Virchophobia is the irrational fear of virches. Virchophobes who find themselves in a virch will suffer from anything from restless anxiety to full-scale panic attacks. Generally virchophobes have no trouble avoiding virches, and once they have realized their disorder will be able to live almost normal lives. Virchophobia sometimes includes the fear of virtuals or a-life, but these fears are generally classified separately.
- Virchspace - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Any digital space or environment; pertaining to virch or a cybercosm.
- Virchuniverse - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Generally, an aggregation or collection of thousands of interconnected virchworlds or cybercosms, all sharing the same basic ontology and lay-out, to make traveling from one to the other easier. Sometimes also used to designate a single extremely large virchworld.
- Virtual Haven
- Virtual Labyrinths
- Virtual Reality
- Virtual Rights - Text by Max More in Anders Sandberg's Transhumanist Terminology
Rights given for convenience to a partial; these rights are really rights of the person whose partial it is, rather than of the partial itself. Similar in some respects to currently existing corporate rights.
- Virtual Sex - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Sex in virtual reality incorporating a visual, auditory, and tactile environment. The sex partner can be a real or simm person.
- Virtualics - Text by Anders Sandberg
Science and art of engineering, designing, and/or studying virtual worlds and universes.
- Virtualism - Text by Anders Sandberg
The belief, common among many long-term virchers and long-term copies, that only virch is real, and ril is an illusion.
- Vuser