Artificial Intelligence
The foundation from which AI developed, from Information Age Old Earth. Still a knowledge field in its own right. Artificial Intelligence involves programming computers, non-sentient virtuals, nano, and bots to emulate sophont cognitive abilities, and eventually to acquire sentience in their own right. It involves a large number of interrelated fields, including fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, neural networks, pattern recognition algorithms, natural language processing, and speech, comlink, or affinitylink recognition. Today many software packages are widely available that can automatically enable most non-sentient computational devices to be provolved to sentience.

- Ahuman (A-human) AIs, The
- AI God
- AI, ai
- AI, Alien
- Aiocracy
- Aioid
- Aiviser
- Artificials
- Concentrated Intelligence
- Distributed Intelligence
- Intelligence
- Intelligence Augmentation (IA)
- Intelligent Agent
- Semi-Conscious Intelligence (SI)
- Sentient - Text by Stephen Inniss
As an adjective, having the characteristics of sentience. As a noun, particularly in the plural, any being that is deemed to have sentience, as in "The Universal Bill of Sentient Rights".
- Service AI - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
An ai, whether slaved or voluntary, that maintains the mechosystems, or in any other way keeps the infrastructure running.
- Sophonce
- Sophont - Text by Stephen Inniss
A person. A being that has the quality of sophonce. Such beings are sometimes called 'sapients'. For historical reasons, sophont-grade ais, may be called 'turingrade ais', even though because of philosophical and practical difficulties with the Turing Test the term 'sophont ai' would be clearer.