Male-only erotorganic, usually a hu-animal splice (bull, stallion, etc.) with heavily erotoginized genome, exaggerated primary and secondary sexual characteristics, and exceptional sexual performance. Often used as a companion-sentient or in the sex-trade. In less civilized parts of the galaxy, may be referred to as a boydoll or toyboy (or worse). c.f. gynamorph.
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    Female-only erotorganic, usually a hu-animal splice (cat, bird, rabbit, etc.) with heavily exaggerated primary and secondary sexual characteristics and exceptional sexual performance. Often used as a companion-sentient or in the sex-trade. In less civilized parts of the galaxy, may be referred to as a girldoll or toygirl (or worse). c.f. andromorph
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 16 September 2001.

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