Perseus Princes

The Perseus Princes are a new emerging archailect hyperpower in the Perseus Arm. They include sentients of all clades, and large populations of xenosophonts of the species known as the Muuh and the Soft Ones. Particularly powerful is the Archailect Prince Vatsceh, who has entered into an alliance with the Muuh System of Response since the events of the Epp War, and appears to be creating a true hybrid civilisation involving the ancient Muuh, their clients the Soft Ones, and the Terragens.
The Princes have good relations with their Terragen neighbors the Solar Dominion and the Metasoft Version Tree. They also take a very active part in the Perseus Arm Defence Organisation in its defence against, and containment of, the Amalgamation.
They have very good relations with the Muuh, and generally good relations with the Soft Ones, though the latter are somewhat more unpredictable. They also have an accommodation with the Panvirtuality, who have colonised a number of large stars in the Perseus Arm.