 Image from Bernd Helfert |
Sociobiology is the study of the behavior of social animals, regardless of whether they are of sentient or sophont level.
Various subdisciplines include behavioral simulation, population biology, genetics, the effect of evolutionary pressures on social behavior, xenobiont sociobiology, social insects, social nanecologies, sim and alife behavior, memetics and sociomemetics, game theory and models of altruism and evolutionary strategies, and relating these factors to various dynamics of society (see Sociology).

- Applied Sociologist - Text by Keith Halperin
Similar to "psycho-historian"; keeps societies on track.
- Celesociology - Text by Jay Dugger
Studies societies within an accelerated virch realm.
- Cliology - Text by Michael Beck
AI-based surveillance, which became the basis of an exact historical record-taking, and later of simulation of conditions for which there were not any direct records.
- Countersociomemetics - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Use of Social Psychology and Sociomemetics to reduce the effectiveness of social and memetic conditioning, or even turn the original conditioning into something completely different. An important element of memetic warfare and subversion. Sociomimeticists are either SI:1 or higher, or are SI:<1 sentients with implanted or augmented sociomemetic wetware, software, or firmware.
- Emergence - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The process whereby more Complex systems arise from simpler systems. Emergence is unanticipated and cannot be directly deduced from the lower-level behaviors. Usually, The nature and behaviour of the more complex system cannot be defined in terms of its components. For example, the organization of a nanecology is said to emerge from the interactions of the lower-level behaviors of the nanites, and not from any single nanite. The concept has applications in many fields, from chemistry to biology to psychology and the social sciences.
- Ethnobotany - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Study of how plants are used in various (mostly prim, neo-prim, or bioborg) hu, tweak, splice, provolve, and xenosophont cultures.
- Heterochronic Socio-History - Text by Mike Parisi and John B
Study of history and historical sociology that involves interactions between minds of different subjective time-rates
- Heterochronic Sociology - Text by Mike Parisi and John B
Study of social interactions between minds of different (even radically different) subjective time-rates
- Historico-Sociomorphotypal Criticism - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Social Science that deals with the understanding and analysis of the morphotypic, social, and cultural characteristics and evolution of a clade, culture, memeplex, or polity; used to distinguish the real meaning from the apparent and usually popular literal or superficial interpretation. An important element in historical and cliological reconstructions.
- Social Criminals - Text by M. Alan Kazlev, based on an original by Bob Black
Generic term for those members of modosophont society, outcasts, drop-outs, the deviants, the dissidents, from every clade and race and sector of society, who are unable to find a place for themselves in the civilized galaxy.
- Social Preserves - Text by Tony Jones
Social Preserves are worlds or habitats where the local society has been carefully frozen at a particular stage or form, and where those who are most comfortable with that society and who do not wish to change go and live while the rest of Terragens society moves on around them. Many of the inhabitants of these worlds are effectively the reverse of the Willowsoph, refusing to adapt to changing times.
- Social Psychology - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The study of how individuals interact with and within groups, and how individual behavior and psychology can be affected by group pressure and group dynamics. Social Psychology is related to sociomemetics.
- Societeum - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
A self-contained physical and social environment isolated from the rest of civilisation and maintained in a particular state (almost always by transapients). In effect a living museum, displaying an interesting form of society.
- Sociology - Text by M. Alan Kazlev based on original by Robert J. Hall
Branch of science dealing with the study of the societies of sentient beings.
- Sociomemetics - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The science of the influence of memes upon individuals within a group context.
- Sociotype - Text by M. Alan Kazlev, adapted from Glenn Grant
[1] The social expression of a memotype, as the body of an organism is the physical expression (phenotype) of the gene (genotype). Hence, the Divine Order is one sociotype of the Solarist memotype.
[2] A class of similar social organisations.
- Tachistorics - Text by Jay Dugger
Study of fast and hyperfast virch societies, especially those that simulate real-world conditions, by researchers living at conventional subjective speed. Or, more occasionally, the study of embodied societies by virch dwellers who have chosen a very slow subjective speed.
- Thanatology - Text by Steve Bowers
The study of life and death as experienced in the Sephirotic Empires.
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
from the original by Robert J. Hall
Initially published on 31 December 2001.