7800 to 10,400 AT: Outer Volumes Era
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This most recent Era marks the relative rise of new powers in what had been the Outer Volumes of Terragen space. While the older powers of the Inner Sphere are as strong as ever, they have many strange new rivals, and there are strange and disturbing events not only on the periphery of Terragen Sphere but all through the inhabited regions.

- Hellfire Expansion, The - Text by Thorbørn Steen
A popular name for the rush of pioneers and entrepreneurs, predominantly of NoCoZo origin, who resettled regions that had been devastated by the Gehenna Incident.
- Ice Age - Text by Steve Bowers
Any period of prolonged and widespread glaciation on a terrestrial world.
- Newton and the Newton Mass Transcendance - Text by Anders Sandberg
In 8344 AT, in the Newton system (Beta Oolonga, currently in Metasoft space) a Keterist awakening occurred, and over the span of twenty years a massive project of augmentation was instituted. In 8365 most contact with the system was lost, as it appears that over a very short span of time practically all inhabitants were transformed into transapient-level entities.
- Tribal Gathering of Historical Tuphz - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
9100's movement to bring together all the original "tuphz" of history, whether cloned or replicated or pozer bots, to serve as teachers and leaders of current Tuphz.