Ultimate Vecs

Vecs incorporating Ultimate Muscles in their design

Ultimate Hellvecs
Image from Arik
An Ultimate Hellvec, capable of powerful leaps and powered flight
Many vecs use some variety of Artificial Muscles in order to move their limbs and other appendages. The most powerful version of artificial muscle technology is Ultimate Muscle, which is capable of extraordinary feats of strength. Although some sophonts who utilise Ultimate Muscle technology are vaguely humanoid in form, many others have designs which are radically different from the human form. Often these so-called Ultimate Vecs have designs that resemble naturally-evolved biological organisms, while others have no resemblance to any lifeform, whether terralife or xenobiological in origin.

One versatile design is the Hellvec, a form capable of powerful leaps and powered flight. The legs and feet of the Hellvec are specially designed to cause as little damage to the ground as possible while launching, and the wings of this design are capable of radiating the considerable heat generated by the powerful muscletech.

Image from Arik
A Brontopod vec, specialised in lifting and transporting heavy objects
Brontopod vecs are a particularly strong and capable design often used in construction projects and for carrying heavy loads long distances. The tentacle-like arms of this clade do not have internal support structures analogous to bones, but instead use the variable morphological stiffening of the muscular material to create a wide range of different shapes as required. For maximum support the four tentacles at each end can bind together to create a powerful trunk.

Ultimate Vecs -Clades
Image from Arik
A range of different Ultimate Vecs, each specialised for different tasks.
Many Ultimate vecs appear somewhat sluglike (or resemble other molluscs) as they take the form of a largely shapeless mass of muscles when at rest. These variants are often capable of changing shape significantly, and may extrude extra limbs and manipulators at will. Because of the very large quantities of energy an Ultimate Vec can expend, these designs can generally extrude some form of radiating surface as well.

To provide power for their activities, these vecs require power storage systems with high power density levels; to recharge these storage systems the vecs are capable of drawing power from many different sources, including direct power cables, magnetic induction and via the transfer of angular momentum to flywheel storage systems. In the image above, the Decarabia-clade vec is receiving power from a grove of artificial trees.
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Development Notes
Text by Arik
Additional material by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 07 May 2020.

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