Woven Graphene

Graphene is a two-dimensional molecular lattice composed of carbon atoms. It comes in two distinct forms, or allotropes: hexa-graphene and penta-graphene. The two forms have different properties. Hexa-graphene is an electrical conductor, whereas penta-graphene is a semiconductor. Hexa-graphene is an excellent conductor of heat, whereas penta-graphene is a poor conductor of heat. Penta-graphene has a higher tensile strength than its hexagonal cousin, and a negative Poisson’s ratio.
Grouped together, they are the stiffest, and have the greatest tensile strengths of, all the materials composed of the classical chemical elements, but as bulk materials they have relatively low tensile strengths because layers of graphene are held together only by van der Waals forces. Woven graphene is the solution to this problem.
Woven graphene is manufactured in numerous varieties by varying graphene ribbon widths, weave patterns, and tightness of weave. By changing variables, it is manufactured into everything from exceptionally supple heat-resistant fabrics, to the highest potential energy density springs, to the toughest of classical matter.
The two different edge structures of hexa-graphene ('zigzag' and 'armchair') have different electronic properties, a property that can be used for data processing. Computronium constructed from woven graphene is tough and can be flexible or rigid according to the specifications of the weave.
Woven Graphene is often formed into hybrid materials with other diamondoids, especially adamant. One of the most successful of these hybrid materials is Pandifico, also known as Elastic Diamondoid Fibre Composite material.