Beta Comae Berenices

System containing Arcadia

Data Panel

StarBeta Comae Berenices, HIP 64394, HR 4983
Type = G0 V
Luminosity 1.357 x Sol
Distance from Sol 29.78 ly (EPOCH 2000)


I: Daphnis

Daphnis: Beta Coma Berenices 1
Image from Steve Bowers
Type Hermian
Radius 6085 km
Orbital period 0.184 standard years
SemiMajorAxis 0.343 AU
Eccentricity 0.04
Albedo 0.43

II: Arcadia

Arcadia Terraformed with clouds
Image from Steve Bowers and John M Dollan
Type Eogaian terraformed to GaianTundral Subtype
Radius 9036 km
Orbital period 1.158 standard years
SemiMajorAxis 1.145 AU
Eccentricity 0.02
Albedo 0.43
Rotation Period 22.03 standard hours
Obliquity 17 degrees
Albedo 0.39

Arcadia was poorly terraformed, making it challenging to inhabit. A culture of genetic modification arose here which developed into a relatively small and short-lived empire at the end of the First Federation Era. Now part of the Zoeific Biopolity.

III: Dryas

Dryas:Beta Coma Berenices 3
Image from Steve Bowers
Type Arean
Radius 4076 km
Orbital period 2.514 standard years
SemiMajorAxis 1.961
Eccentricity 0.04
Rotation Period 27.7
Obliquity 12
Albedo 0.43}

IV: Crocus

Crocus: Beta Coma Berenices 4
Image from Steve Bowers
Type Arean
Radius 3996
Orbital period 3.534 standard years
SemiMajorAxis 2.46 AU
Eccentricity 0.09
Rotation Period 17.7 standard hours
Obliquity 14
Albedo 0.53

V: Smilax

Smilax Beta Coma Berenices 5
Image from Steve Bowers:
Type Superterrestrial World
Radius 10422
Orbital period 7.26 standard years
SemiMajorAxis 3.92 AU
Eccentricity 0.09
RotationPeriod 29.7 hrs
Obliquity 2
Albedo 0.43

VI: Adonis

Adonis: Beta Coma Berenices 6
Image from Steve Bowers
Type MesoJovian Type Radius 38825
Orbital period 11.39 standard years
SemiMajorAxis 5.292 AU
Eccentricity 0.08
Inclination 3.8
RotationPeriod 18.67
Obliquity 16.8

VII: Diana

Diana and Acteon
Image from Steve Bowers
Diana and its paraterraformed moon, Actaeon
Type MesoJovian Type
Radius 38825
Orbital period 19.009 standard years
SemiMajorAxis 7.44 AU
Eccentricity 0.08
Inclination 2
Rotation Period 14.2
Obliquity 2
Albedo 0.55

VIII: Cynthia

Cynthia: Beta Coma Berenices 8
Image from Steve Bowers
Type Ymirian type world
Radius 4199
Orbital period 25.15 years
SemiMajorAxis 8.97
Eccentricity 0.08
Inclination 3
Rotation Period 291.2 hrs
Obliquity 5
Albedo 0.89

IX: Pan

Pan: Beta Coma Berenices 9
Image from Steve Bowers
Type Cryojovian Type world
Radius 42088
Orbital period 34.96
SemiMajorAxis 11.17
Eccentricity 0.11
Inclination 4
Rotation Period 45
Obliquity 19
Albedo 0.59

X: Doris

Doris: Beta Coma Berenices 10
Image from Steve Bowers
Type Ymirian type world
Radius 9876
Orbital period 48.47 years
SemiMajorAxis 13.89
Eccentricity 0.138
Inclination 6
Rotation Period 87.5
Obliquity 13
Albedo 0.78

X: Galatea

Galatea: Beta Coma Berenices 11
Image from Steve Bowers
Type LithicGelidian type world
Radius 12333 km
Orbital period 64.48 years
SemiMajorAxis 16.8 AU
Eccentricity 0.18
Inclination 6
Rotation Period 212.5 DAYS
Obliquity 23
Albedo 0.88
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Development Notes
Text by Steve Bowers
from an original system by Anders Sandberg
Initially published on 29 July 2012.

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