Ynity Gate Project

Failed project to transmit wormholes across interstellar space

Ynity Gate
Image from Steve Bowers
The NoCoZo-Sophic League Intellectual Alliance Ynity Gate project

The expansion of the Wormhole Nexus is limited by the maximum speed of linelayer craft, which can only travel at seven-tenths of light speed because of certain limitations in the stability of wormholes in transit.

However in 2801 the theorist Zyneduhuk-22 postulated that it might be possible to project the other end of a created wormhole to a distant location without having to transport it there, which would give instant access to the universe; this became known as the Ynity Gate concept. During the process of normal wormhole formation, each newly emerged wormhole has two mouths, and newly created wormhole mouths emerge at a random distance from each other, in random directions. Almost all such pairs emerge very close together (a few picometres in most cases), but by selecting wormholes that emerge at anomalously large distances from each other it was hoped to influence the location of each mouth before it forms. Once this was achieved, one of the mouths could be induced to form at an arbitrary distance from the other, and by inflating that mouth remotely, it might be possible to travel to anywhere in the universe almost immediately.

Critics of the Ynity Gate project pointed out that, if this were possible, then any advanced civilisation with this technology anywhere in the universe would be able to travel to the Terragen Sphere just as easily, and yet they do not appear to be in evidence. Proponents of the Ynity Gate theory replied that with such easy access to distant locations, such an advanced civilisation might be very thinly spread throughout the bilions of galaxies in the universe, and may not yet have reached this location. Alternately, they may be here but hidden, travelling between the stars using projected, short-lived wormholes which could be very difficult or impossible to detect.

More than five exacredits (5 x 1018) were expended on Ynity-related projects around the turn of the 4th millennium. One of the most sophisticated projects was constructed by the NoCoZo-Sophic League Intellectual Alliance, which itself was established at the Conclave of Taz in the Psi Serpentis Solar System. A fractal series of magmatter rings were created in an otherwise uninhabited system on the NoCoZo-Sophic League border, and vast numbers of minute wormholes were created and destroyed within its structure.

This project, like all the others, was a failure; in practice it proved impossible to project wormholes at all, and even random creation of wormholes failed to produce any pair of wormhole mouths more than a few kilometers distant from each other. Since a macroscale traversable wormhole must by necessity be surrounded by 327 astronomical units of flat space, any wormhole created at a distance of a few km would need to be moved a very great distance further before being inflated fully and opened for traffic.

A much later project, the Galbydeia Torus, with similar objectives, also failed to produce usable stargates, although it did create a very interesting region of multiply-connected spacetime. All indications are that wormhole projection is not feasible, in this universe at any case.

The NoCoZo-Sophic League Intellectual Alliance turned its attention to other matters, and in time developed a new ontological formulation, the Second Foundation Ontology, which was widely used throughout the Terragen Sphere.

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Development Notes
Text by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 23 July 2011.

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