Image from Steve Bowers
Lasyuka Central: a partial dyson sphere composed of three mutually orthogonal structures called superrings, labelled Alpha, Beta and Gamma

Lasyuka Data Panel

Founded9105 (construction began) 9530 (completed)
Stellar Type of PrimaryG2V (formerly F0)
Designation of PrimaryMRZ 447
RegionDisarchy, bordering on NoCoNeg space

Megastructures and planets

Lasyuka Central is a partial dyson sphere composed of three mutually orthogonal structures called superrings, labelled Alpha, Beta and Gamma from smallest to largest. Superring Alpha has an inner radius of 3,300,000 and an outer radius of 3,399,500; Beta has an inner radius of 3,400,000 and an outer radius of 3,499,500 and Gamma an inner radius of 3,500,000 to and outer radius of 3,600,000. The gravity due to the star at this distance is approximately 1G. Each superring has a width of 1,400,000km, equal to the diameter of the primary. Internally, all the superrings have 200 layers, with an average distance between layers being 500km.

Each layer is a small Niven ring magnetically braced against a ring shaped slice of a suprastellar shell (termed shells for simplicity). Additional support is provided by magmatter infused cables and mass streams where the rotation of the Niven ring may not be fully balanced against the weight of the shell. Each superring, therefore, has 200 rings and 200 shells. Remaining construction material serves double duty as magmatter based computronium that either hosts virch environments or is used as processing substrate for the Lesser Ecologist. Total surface area is approximately 1.8*10^16 (eighteen quadrillion) kilometres squared, or 36 million times the surface area of a typical gaian planet.

Due to the size of the structure, determined by the 1G acceleration at the surface of the shells, the rings are much closer to the primary than an standard Niven ring, and are therefore provided with ultratech ceilings that help to hold the atmosphere in and server as a light distribution mechanism. Of the incoming light from the primary, a fraction is used to illuminate the surface of the ring, a fraction is collected as energy, and the remainder is used to illuminate shells and rings further from the primary which would otherwise be occluded. Remaining light, after full illumination of Lasyuka Central, is used to illuminate parts of Outer Lasyuka that would otherwise be in the shadow of the superrings. Due to various inefficencies, the ring ceilings can become extremely hot and require active cooling, provided by the mass streams that connect Lasyuka Central and Outer Lasyuka.

Of the 600 rings, 300 operate at 1G and the other 300 have a variety of different surface accelerations to cater to nonbaseline clades.

Outer Lasyuka consists of a number of small moon brains, McKendree cylinders, Dyson Trees, Freespheres and other such habitats that orbit at a distance of 1 AU from the primary. All are connected to one another, and to Lasyuka Central, by mass streams. There is more emphasis on a diversity of environments than in Lasyuka central.

At 12 AU there are four unnamed jupiter brains.

Lonesome is a jovian class world approximately 37 AU from the primary. It hosts a Deep Well Industrial Zone and a swarm of moon brains.


Sagittarius Preservers

AI Overseer

The Lesser Ecologist, a fourth singularity archailect residing in Lasyuka Central, moon brains of Outer Lasyuka and the jupiter brains on the outskirt of the system. The Lesser Ecologist functions as a subsystem of The Great Ecologist.

Government and economics

Varies. In most modosophont areas, the Lesser Ecologist is non-interventionist other than angelnetting to uphold sophont rights. In some areas resident sentients built their own polities and economies. Other places are libertarian socialist autotopias preserved by the Lesser Ecologist. Similarly, subsentients may be either left alone in preserves, catered for, or occasionally provolved.

Internal travel

The Lasyuka Tramway, a variety of vehicles that traverse the mass streams connecting Lasyuka Central and Outer Lasyuka. They range from small capusles that contain a single nearbaseline to trains of toroidal rotating habitats up to five kilometres across that can only traverse the arterial routes.

External travel

Lasyuka is the hub of the meagre wormhole nexus of the Sagittarius Preservers, and a waystation between the Preserver Empire (which is mostly located in the furthest reaches of the outer volumes) and the rest of Terragen space.


Outward, Upwards, Yonder: Three stargates that connect Lasyuka with other Preserver systems closer to the frontier. regularly traversed by Preserver-designed conversion drive ships carrying life from Lasyuka to join Preservers looking for new "pets".

Chirrup, Bounce, Yuka: Three wormholes leading to NoCoNeg and Negentropist systems in the middle regions.

Beamrider connections: As one of the most heavily developed and safe systems in the Disarchy, Lasyuka has also become an important local beamrider hub. Five beamlines created by the Preservers lead to other heavily populated parts of the Preserver empire not connected by wormholes. Eight smaller routes owned by local systems connect to other Disarchy polities. Two lead back to the main Beamrider network and are owned by the Deeper Covenant.

Lasyuka is one of very few worlds in the Preserver Empire that contains significant infrastructure other than Sagittarius Preservers themselves and their temporary engineering structures (there are rumoured to be a number of matrioshka brains that are substrata for the Great Ecologist, but none have yet been found). In fact, there are no standard Preservers in the system at all. They are too large to travel through Stargates,and most are much closer to the periphery, either seeking new systems or interacting with their bretheren. Lasyuka is often referred to as the capital of the Preservers. Its significance is greater than that, however. The primary purpose seems to be as a waystation between the Preservers and the Middle Regions. The Preservers express a great interest in collecting samples of Terragen and Xeno life, and via Lasyuka such samples are able to arrive and, should they wish to, travel further up the Preserver nexus to find a willing host. Indeed, many young Preservers advertise to the sophont communities of Lasyuka when looking for new samples.

Many move to Lasyuka with no intention of ever joining the Preservers, of course. It is one of the safest systems in the Disarchy, and offers a variety of possible lifestyles no matter what ones preference for AI intervention may be. Very often it will get a population boost following a skirmish or coup in nearby Disarchy worlds. But with time - and a touch of gentle memetics - even the most stubborn of sophonts may come around and consider joining an open Preserver. As the adverts claim, it's one of the safest ways to see the frontier.

Notable locations

Hothouse (Superring Alpha, Ring 38): A 1.2G ringworld with a To'ul'hian environment. Contains several large To'ul'h cities, important polmusic and hedonics centres, and a great number of populations that practice megastructual migration. Some areas, seperated from the main population by airwalls, host subsentient neogen life created by the Preservers or other To'ul'hs.

Hydr (Superring Alpha, Shell 74): A gaian ocean that occupies one half of an outward-facing ring. 100km high walls and a sculpted floor allow the existence of abyssal environments. A hitech mutualist anarchist alliance is the major polity, with citizenship being composed of provolved cuttlefish, mantis shrimps, rays, crabs and tube worms, amphibious vecs, and a considerable number of su (either amphibious or living exclusively on floating biotech islands).

Haven (Superring Beta, Shell 14): A vast area dotted with transapientech autotopia cities administered directly by the Lesser Ecologist. Haven is intended specifically for refugees from the Velarian Confed civil war.

The Floating Federation (Superring Gamma, Ring 7): A dispersed polity that consists of a multitude of airborne habitats that take the form of cyborg trees in the shape of geodesic spheres. The plains underneath the habitats are host to a primitive mechanical ecology that utilises nothing more than microtech and some primitive nanofabs. A few patches contain seperate dry and wet nanecologies which sometimes threaten to overtake the less efficient major ecology, but are always pruned back and kept in check by angelnetting.

Prevaricator (Outer Lasyuka): A chain of fifteen freespheres arranged linearly, each twenty kilometers in diameter, with an additional two small (30km diameter) dyson trees in the middle of the chain. The whole structure slowly rotates about one of its minor axes, so the two spheres at each end have an acceleration of 0.15G. Prevaricator is host to two transapient tech hedonics centres, a kilometer sized free floating theatre/stadium/music hall, a similarly sized museum hosting a range of artefacts from the Disarchy and Inner Sphere, and an art gallery stocked by works from modosophonts of Lasyuka and the Preservers themselves, all hosted by the Lesser Ecologist. Annually hosts a race from one end of the structure to the other where no technology other than carbon fibre wings attached to ones limbs may be used. Sometimes considered the cultural capital of Lasyuka (though this is hotly contested by a number of other locations in system).

Verdant (Outer Lasyuka): A multilevel McKendree cylinder hosting a Chlorine World environment with several biosphere samples, rumoured to have been acquired through dealings with various caretaker gods.

Second Exocore Bordered Corpus (Outer Lasyuka): A spherical Magmatter infused shell 1000km in diameter containing an ultrahigh pressure liquid metallic hydrogen environment that hosts a community of Menexenes from the Menexene polity First Exocore Bordered Corpus
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Development Notes
Text by Liam Jones
Initially published on 30 December 2010.

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