A xenosophont megastructure in the form of a circumstellar disc | |
Image from Steve Bowers | |
Reflective statites above the poles of this star reflect light onto the surface of the disc, emulating a day length of 20.5 hrs |
Rak Mesba - Data Panel | |
Star | YTS 8222-0109319 |
Right Ascension | 11h38m42.2437s |
Declination | -63d32m00.0468s |
Distance from Sol | 6317.7311 LY (1.9380 kpc) |
Absolute Magnitude | 2.60 |
Apparent magnitude | 14.03 |
Luminosity | 7.82 x Sol |
Class | F0 V |
Surface temperature | 7200 K |
Radius 1217100 km | (1.77 x Sol) |
Rotation period | 22.2348 days |
Inner radius | 1.3314 AU |
Outer radius | 1.9814 AU |
Thickness | 184.0001 km |
Mean density | 59048.8342 kg/m^3 |
Total surface area | 2.6808 e+17 km^2 (5.2558e+8 x Earth) |
Mass | 2.9127 e+33 kg (1464.4565 solar masses) |
Surface gravity | 9.1125 meters/sec^2 (0.9292 g) |
Mean atmospheric pressure | 200.5357 kPa (1.9786 atm) |
Period of revolution | 222.3532 days |