Epsilon Aurigae

Fo supergiant 2037 ly from Sol

Epsilon Aurigae
Image from Steve Bowers
Also known as Almaaz
2037 ly from Sol

Epsilon Aurigae is a Fo supergiant 50,000 times as luminous as Sol; it is orbited by a smaller B-type star at a distance of 30 AU. This secondary star is orbited by a thick dust ring 20 AU in radius, a remnant from the formation of these two relatively young stars. This dust-ring was observed from Earth in the century before Tranquility, when the dust ring around the smaller star periodically eclipsed the brighter star.

The energy-rich dust ring has been colonised by numerous and varied clades, mostly aioids aligned with Metasoft and biont colonists aligned with the NoCoZo and the Sophic League. Particularly notable are the small habitats occupied by populations of miniaturised humans, such as Buanikon
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  • Supergiant - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    A very large (10 to 1000 times the diameter of Sol), extremely luminous star in the uppermost part of the H-R Diagram. Supergiants generally result from hot bright O and B class stars exhausting their hydrogen and moving off the main sequence. Supergiants rarely last more than several millions of years. Betelgeuse, Deneb, Rigel A, and Mu Cephei are all supergiants.
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Development Notes
Text by Steve Bowers
Initially published on 17 November 2010.

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