B-Type Star

Image from Steve Bowers
Adhara is a B-type star surrounded by orbital megastructures

Hot blue-white star that is among the brightest in the sequence of spectral types, second only to the O-type star. They are distinguished by neutral helium lines, with hydrogen lines strengthening in B6 through B9.

A B0 type star generally has a mass of about 15 to 18 times that of Sol, a luminosity 13,000 times as great, and a surface temperature of around 28,000 Kelvin. In the case of a B5 type the properties are a mass of about 6.4 times, and a luminosity 790 times, and surface temperature of about 15,000 Kelvin. A B0 star, being so hot and bright, will spend only about eleven million years on the main sequence. When it collapses, having exhausted all its fuel, a B type star will most likely become a black hole. These rare stars, only somewhat more common than O-types, very rarely have life-supporting planets, although proto-life and complex molecules may be common. Like the O-types, B-type stars are highly valued by development corporations, industrialist clades and hyperturings, amat farmers, and stellar engineers.
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Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 08 October 2001.

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