
Total conversion bomb

Image from Juan Ochoa

Monopole enhanced thermonuclear explosive devices

Boostbombs employ monopole doped fissile materials to amplify their explosive yield to anywhere from 10 to 100 times the output of an unenhanced device of similar size. At the moment of detonation the fusion temperatures and pressures achieved at the center of the explosion initiate 'S-wave' sucking on the part of the embedded monopoles, leading to proton decay and a much larger percentage of the bombs mass being converted to energy. In this so-called monopole-catalysed 'fusion' reaction, the protons of the hydrogen nuclei are converted into mesons and photons.

This technology can be further developed to create compact and powerful monopole-catalysis "total conversion" bombs, which are essentially a fusion-total conversion explosive device with more controllability, lethality, and shelf-life than boostbombs or even comparable antimatter weapons. Increased lethality comes from much lower production of muons than antimatter devices; which concentrates the energy density of the monopole bomb compared to the "fizzle" of an antimatter device. Controllability comes from doping the fusing plasma with other exotic particles to generate reactions with other side effects, such as axion or Higgs production..

In the current era, boostbombs and total conversion bombs are a fairly standard component of the arsenals of both modosophont and transapient military forces. On rare occasions they are also used in industrial scale excavation and mining operations, particularly where a large asteroid, moon or even planet needs to be dismantled.
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Development Notes
Text by Todd Drashner and Adam Getchell
Initially published on 07 March 2006.

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