Neostretch is an everyday material used for clothing, straps and for attaching tools to tool belts. Neostretch have two modes, inactive and active. While in the inactive mode the neostretch doesn't stretch, having the basic properties of a piece of string. However, when switched to active mode, the neostretch becomes elastic, usually only in one dimension. Early neostretch was activated by an electric current and was only elastic in one dimension. Sheets of neostretch that were elastic in two dimensions were made by weaving multiple threads of neostretch together. Modern neostretch requires either an electric current or heat to be activated. Clothing and straps often use other smart materials to make pressure-sensitive zones which change the neostretch into stretchy mode, while such items as key rings may be activated merely by touching the item attached to the neostretch.

The neostretch is composed of three parts, the strap, the inhibitors and the pulls. The strap compose the bulk of the material, and is a modern elastic substance which can be stretched with only a minor amount of force. Depending on what the neostretch will be used for, the material may be elastic in one, two or three dimensions. The inhibitors are micro- to nano-scale "hooks" which keeps the neostretch from stretching when the neostretch is in its inactive mode. When an electric current is applied, the inhibitors release the strap. The current also starts charging the pulls. The pulls are artificial muscles which pull the strap back in when the neostretch changes from active to inactive mode.

Though other, smarter, materials has replaced neostretch in some roles, the relative simpleness of neostretch and its ability to mix freely with other dumber or smarter materials, means that it still sees widespread application amongst the modosophont populace in a wide variety of roles.
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Development Notes
Text by Thorbørn Steen
Initially published on 16 July 2008.

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