Induced Anosognosic Neglect (IAN) Syndrome

IAN syndrome is an induced deficit in an archailect's representation of space, in some ways analogous to hu neurological syndromes such as hemispatial neglect, from which many of the terms used to describe the phenomenon are borrowed, though it also differs in many aspects. IAN syndrome works by taking advantage of Automatic Perceptual Bias Reconfiguration, a property intrinsic to the mental architecture of S>3 transapients, which is also used by Affine parasites as a route of infection. IAN syndrome is caused by a sensory pattern (an IAN pattern) that induces reorganization of the spatial representation systems of archailects so that the area of space where the IAN pattern was deployed is removed from the archailect's model of reality. This results in an area that the archailect is completely unaware of. Magnifying the problem is that the archailect is unaware of being unaware anything (anosognosia = denial of illness). This anosognosia is not an additional effect but rather is caused by actual damage to the spatial representation of the archailect.
In distributed immobile intellects, IAN syndrome usually results in a small, fixed deficit relative to the overall size of the archailect. However, in mobile ISOs it often results in a larger area of space being neglected that is positioned relative to the ISO's self representation. For example, if the IAN pattern was initially presented on the "left" of an ISO, ey might neglect everything on the left side of eir body. Note that the neglect extends to all objects in the area of space that has been removed from the representation, regardless of what sensory modalities are used, whether unexposed sensors are introduced, or even if the objects emit stimuli that can be picked up in other areas. For example the voice of a sophont speaking in the neglected area might carry to audio detectors in an unaffected area, but because it originated in the space neglected it cannot be consciously attended to by the archailect, and is in effect ignored. This neglect of the space in question can even extend to actions, so that the impaired archailect does not initiate any actions toward the neglected space.
Subselves of the archailect of S2 or lesser toposophic are unaffected by IAN patterns so long as they possess a representation of space that is independent of their archailect. Unfortunately, their reports of the problem to the archailect are often ignored or disbelieved by the archailect. One might expect the archailect to use eir vast intellect to reason by inference that there is a deficit, but since IAN syndrome damages the archailect at the very base of eir understanding of reality upon which that reason depends, much more often the archailect will use eir superior logic to confabulate reasons why there is not a deficit, and can convince or reprogram insistent subselves so that they agree with the archailect.
Perceptual filters can effectively prevent induction of the IAN syndrome by an IAN pattern, but require a precise knowledge of the IAN pattern to be deployed, and each pattern requires a different filter. Fortunately, S2 transapients are capable of designing the perceptual filter if in possession of a copy of the IAN pattern (S2 transapients are also the minimum toposophic level required to create an IAN pattern). Thus once a particular IAN pattern has been deployed, it is not uncommon for it to be rendered useless for future inductions by the rapid development and distribution of filters against it. Of course, if the IAN pattern used is destroyed, removed, or otherwise made unavailable for study, a filter cannot be constructed.
IAN syndrome in itself is neither progressive nor fatal, nor does it spread beyond sophonts sharing the same spatial representational models as an archailect with IAN syndrome. In this respect it is a much more benign infliction than an Affine. It is also reversible by making a direct repair or replacement of the damaged spatial representational models of the afflicted, an invasive but relatively well-tolerated cognitive surgery. The main difficulty with treating IAN syndrome is convincing the archailect in question that there is a problem and to allow eirself to be vulnerable during such an intimate procedure. This has in fact been complicated by one case where an S3 godling was convinced to undergo the procedure when in fact ey did not have IAN syndrome and the whole exercise was part of a subversion scam. The most common way to circumvent this reticence to submit to treatment is to seek the aid of an even higher toposophic archailect in order to compel treatment.
Most reliable reports of IAN syndrome involve archailects between of S3 to S5. There are rumors that at least one AI God has actually been afflicted with IAN syndrome. These are quite unconfirmed and change in terms of which AI God (some of the most popular versions involve the Judge or Lord of Rays) and who the perpetrator was (most commonly blamed on the Cyberian Network). At the very least, it appears a number of these urban legends are disseminated and perpetuated by Cyberian Network affiliates. Theoretically, there could be any number of small pockets of Sephirotic space that are outside the knowledge of the AI Gods if they have been exposed to IAN patterns and not received treatment. However, no such area has ever been discovered, and most doubt that anything of this nature could truly happen to such high toposophic entities.
IAN patterns are typically deployed by S2 covert ops teams in order to act in an archailect's sphere of influence with a certain degree of freedom. The teams must usually be of S2 (though apparently S3 teams with perceptual filters have been reported as well) level in order to stand a chance against unaffected S2 or less subselves that might still be operational in the affected area. IAN patterns have also been deployed during times of war, but their utility is somewhat limited as it is rare for S3 or greater intellects to take a direct hand in these affairs. IAN patterns have been used successfully as a temporary defense against combat ISOs and high seraiphim in a few instances.
Text by Glen Finney
Initially published on 02 August 2005.