Translation Metamorphosis

Image from Negativnein

A problem that can arise when virch entities move from one virch environment to another is that there are beings which will be so altered by the translation that they are effectively utterly different beings in the two different virches.

For example, the translation of a three-dimensional entity into a two-dimensional Flatland virch. This process is, in general, known as Translation Metamorphosis.

In general Translation Metamorphosis is a risk that the entity who chooses to make that change takes; most entities consider that, as long as they know the risk is there in advance so they have an informed choice, then that's their look-out. Many virch entities do make copies of their old selves before attempting such a translation, though, just to be on the safe side.

See also Substrate Shock.
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Development Notes
Text by Tony Jones
Initially published on 16 September 2003.

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