Terranova Foundation

Image from John M. Dollan
Terranova after terraformation

One of the five main interstellar development megacorporations (or Big Five) of the First Federation period. The others were Truth-Santaya Networks, TakiCorb, K4H, and SecureSpace. In the colonies they were very often a law unto themselves. They eventually merged to become the NoCoZo.

The Terranova Foundation is notable for its major subsidary, the commercial LinnEnt Empire, which colonised many planets with the new Engenerator technology with varing degrees of success.

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    One of the five main interstellar development megacorporations (or Big Five) of the first Federation period. The others were Truth-Santaya Networks, TakiCorb, Terranova Foundation, and SecureSpace. In the colonies they were very often a law unto themselves. They eventually merged to become the NoCoZo.
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  • SecureSpace - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    One of the five main interstellar development megacorporations (or Big Five) of the First Federation period. The others were Truth-Santaya Networks, TakiCorb, Terranova Foundation, and K4H. They eventually merged to become the NoCoZo.
  • TakiCorb - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 09 January 2002.

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