Evolution (biology)
In biology and systems theory, descent with modification. The process by which the gene pool of a population gradually changes in response to environmental pressures, natural selection, and genetic mutations.

Evolution operates on populations that involve variation among individuals, traits being inheritable, and a level of fitness for individuals that is a function of the possessed traits. Evolution produces permanent change in the morphology and function of adult living organisms, so that ancestor taxa are modified into descendant taxa. Over relatively long periods of time, the distribution of inheritable traits will tend to reflect the fitness that the traits convey to the individual; thus, evolution acts as a filter that selects fitness-yielding traits over other traits. These changes take place over chronologically successive generations between chronologically successive populations within clades or species (microevolution), or involve the emergence of new clades, species and higher taxa (macroevolution). The theory of evolution through natural selection was first proposed by Old Earth hu Charles Darwin. See also artificial evolution.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 24 October 2001.

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