Synergistic Sentience, Synergistic Autosentience
Image from Bernd Helfert

The process whereby an AI spontaneously gains self-awareness or the ability to guide it's own development or capabilities and direction outside its maker's original intentions.

Especially at SI:<<1, the number of incidentally sentient machines or aioids (other than those intentionally constructed with self-awareness) tends to be quite small, since these machines are generally designed with a purpose in mind programmed into them.

Violating their programming (unless the programming intentionally promotes self-awareness) should be the exception, not the rule. It is not unknown however for an even subturing aioid to make a toposophic jump to sophonce. Synergistic sentience can also be viewed as an inevitable trend in computer and AI evolution, rather than (as in bionts) a process of mutation (or chance glitches) and selection. See also self-organization, Self-Organized Criticality.
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Development Notes
Text by Peter Kisner
Initially published on 31 December 2001.

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