
Any large system that has gained sentience but not sophonce as an emergent property

Image from Bernd Helfert

This term is usually used for systems that do not normally evolve sentience, such as ecosystems, economical systems and electronic databases. To qualify as a sensestem, the system as a whole must show sentience, not merely contain sentient beings. Some known sensestems have evolved spontaneously, either when a system has gained a certain complexity through growth or else by some form of natural selection. Most sensestems are created by high transapient entities.

Sensestems usually possess some sense of self-preservation, and instinctively fight threats to their existence.

Examples of sensestems are the Deathjungle of Kalii, and the CIRaulance catalog.

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Development Notes
Text by Thorbørn Steen
Initially published on 01 June 2005.

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