Pliocene Epoch
On Old Earth, the fifth and last epoch of the Tertiary period, lasting from 5 to 1.8 million years ago. Life on land included mastodons, horses, camels, sabre-toothed cats, rhinoceroses, and many other forms. Hominids (australopithecines) appeared in Africa. Modern forms of whales lived in the oceans. Invertebrates were very similar to modern forms.

The Terragen Pliocene corresponds approximately to the Softoneian Epoch of Galactic History: in the Perseus arm, the Soft Ones built an extensive interstellar civilization, and contacted several other xenosapients. Also during this period xenosapient civilizations rose and destroyed themselves at Doreen and Thyresta. A great civilization arose in the Triangulum Galaxy at this time, and sent the famous Triangulum Transmission; travelling at light speed it did not arrive in our own galaxy until the present day.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev and Stephen Inniss
Initially published on 01 January 2005.

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