Fever resulting from nanoinfection or response.

Nanoflu is the common name for a fever (temperature extremes beyond normal operating range) caused by a nano infection of the host being fought off by an immune system, either natural, implanted, or injected. These fevers, unless carefully monitored by medical professionals of organic or inorganic nature, can risk brain/processor damage among the affected beings due to thermal overload as the two nanosystems collide and become highly active.

In extreme cases, the medical professionals may need to drop the infected sophont into a cryogenic slumber to prevent long-term damage, although many highly modified baselines have extremely efficient cooling systems to prevent the need for this. Even so, some known nanotic toxins make use of this predictable problem with an immune system response to trigger fatalities in the target host, occasionally (amongst the more virulent strains) going so far as to disable the various cooling systems the target sophont may be utilizing by various methods.
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Development Notes
Text by John B
Initially published on 15 January 2003.

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