The analysis and interpretation of narrative texts, including fiction, poetry, and drama, from the trivial through the fabulist to the mythopoetic

Up until the Atomic Age of Old Earth, literature referred to printed hard-copy only, but from the Information Age onwards it came to include digital and virtual narratives as well. Now of course hard-copy-only literature is limited to certain ludd and prim cultures. Literary enthusiasts may belong to any sophont clade or phyle, and tend to spend a considerable amount of time interfacing with narratives and virchbooks, and discoursing with librarians and literature expert systems. They often develop a high level of comprehension and insight about quite obscure fabulists and poets.

Professors/Academicians/Advocates of Literature have an encyclopedic knowledge and often augmented insight into various fields of literature. But while an expert in the field, and highly familiar with the art of creative narrative, they are not necessarily themselves great fabulists or mythopoets.

Literature Expert Systems, sometimes also called Librarians (although not all Librarians are expert systems) are turing or subturing personoids or ai that are able provide detailed information about all literary categories and sub-categories, including material from a variety of different genres, styles, media, cultures, empires, and historical periods, and these are widely used by Literary Enthusiasts and Academicians to better understand their chosen fields.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev, from the original write-up by Robert J. Hall
Initially published on 03 December 2001.

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