Image from Steve Bowers

Sustainable management of forests, specially on terraformed worlds, large orbitals and biohabitats

Includes subfields like botany, ecology, lithology, biospherics, conservation, bionano, phenotypic and genotypic modification and optimization for local environmental conditions, knowledge of tree pests and diseases (both natural and artificial, indigenous and introduced), watershed protection, taxonomy, growth habits and environmental preferences of different types of trees, properties of various types of wood, and (in those polities that permit it) techniques for harvesting individual or stands of trees for wood for furniture and (among certain ludds and prims) paper and plywood manufacturing. Most foresters tend to vecs, who are able to patrol and look after large areas of forest without tiring, although in certain polities even nearbaselines can find work in this occupation.
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  • Forest - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
    Any biome type involving a dense concentration of trees or analogous neogens or xenophyta, distributed over a large area of land. In some biomes, such as rainforest, there are a number of distinct levels, such as canopy and forest floor, each with their distinct micro-ecologies.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev from the original by Robert J. Hall
Initially published on 29 October 2001.

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