Gilboa Reach

Image from Steve Bowers

Colonised 5189AT
Star TYC 5098-195-1
Class F5V
Luminosity 5.22 x Sol
Distance from Sol 1606 LY
Constellation: Serpens

Important STC outpost and stargate plexus at the edge of the Serpens sector, consisting of a large L5 orbital swarm of habitats and a terraformed world, Gilboa, which is distinguished by its unusual and lush vegetation (a result of an earlier terraforming attempt where gengineered terragen moss and lichen hybridized with indigenous prokaryotes).

Certain tree-like organisms on this world resemble the pteridosperms of Old Earth's Carboniferous period, but are significantly different on a genetic level.

Gilboa Reach is the most important gateway between the STC and the Serpens Sector worlds such as Skiiiws'nnii and Miracle City.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 31 October 2001.

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