
Female Pseudohermaphroditism

Image from Steve Bowers

One of six standard hu sexes, the others being male, herm, merm, female, and neut. A Ferm has male secondary sexual characteristics and female sexual organs.
Future genders
Image from Arik
When occurring naturally among baselines and other hu clades (usually in prim or other non-nanotech environments) this is female pseudohermaphroditism, most often caused by a missing enzyme, which causes over stimulation of the adrenal gland, overproduction of androgen, and alteration of the genitals. Chromosomes are XX and individuals with this condition have ovaries and are genetically female.

More usually, as a fashion or lifestyle choice or clade or peer mark, a combination of bionano, nanomedibots, and specific hormone treatment are used to alter the gender. The genitals are resculpted with symbiotic bionano or bioborgonics.

The following table should only be used as a rule of thumb for
identification of sex and possible use of gender, primarily for hominid, or at least mammalian, clades.

Can naturally bear children? (ie, has female primary sexual
Can naturally contribute genetic material to others' borne
offspring? (ie, has male primary sexual characteristics)
Has female secondary sex characteristics? (e.g., in humans, enlarged breasts and lack of facial hair. Non-hominid clades often use a different variety of features to make this differentiation: manes, tusks, antlers, colours, etc.)
herm yes yes yes
herm yes yes no
female yes no yes
ferm yes no no
merm no yes yes
male no yes no
neut no no yes
neut no no no

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev, Daniel Eliot Boese
updated by Todd Drashner 5-29-18
Initially published on 29 October 2001.
