From the ombination of 'deus' and 'eugenics'; literally 'the breeding of gods'. The original deugenics movement existed 91-191 AT (2060-2150 c.e.), and was based on pro-genetic ideas of the deliberate evolution of homo sapiens into higher forms. It was part of the larger pro-tweak idea stream of the time, eventually merging with the emerging Genetekker ideology.

The most well-known deugenics movement occurred during the First Federation, where a broad network of deugenicists attempted to recreate the Holy Blood, an inherited divine disposition believed to have been originated by the offspring of Jesus and spread among certain noble lineages. The deugenicists used early lazurogenics, genealogical synthesis and extensive genetic modelling to recreate parts of the assumed "sangreal gene syndrome", eventually achieving a number of "purebreds". Although these individuals exhibited very high intelligence by baseline standards, strong social skills and a charismatic personality they proved to be a major disappointment for the movement as it was expecting messianic revelations. While some of the purebreds did take on religious roles, many left the movement entirely. The basic "messiah template" eventually became public domain and remains a popular genetic influence on many baseline worlds.
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Text by Anders Sandberg
Initially published on 09 October 2001.

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