Creeping Consolidation
The increasingly popular rumour that the archailects and higher hyperturings are slowly undermining the non-archai empires.

Several factions of both independent and anthropist historians agree that the Version War was less a conflict over standards and more the third and (to this date) final "Empires war". The powers that gained most were the mainbrains; those that lost out were the superior and minor hyperturing demopolies and empires. The fact that not one SI:2 or higher hyperturing was destroyed (the highly popular story of Koroko of the War is persuasively argued by this school to be non-viable) only reinforces anthropist fears that it was "a war against hu". Cygexba, although run by a high-level hyperturing, was not an archetypal-AI empire, so it was weakened after the war. The superior run Sagittarius Sphere was destroyed altogether, as were the Softbot Cathedrals and the Bourgatev Alliance - none of these were archai empires. Only Metasoft and the NoCoZo came through the war with satisfaction, and some have speculated that were it not for the new threat posed by dangerous "barbarian" empires and rogue mainbrains, they would have gone the way of the others in a new way during the late 6th millennium.

These ideas, while popular among Anthropist factions, and even some Metasoft and NoCoZo groups, are generally scoffed at by the historians of the mainbrain empires. Yet significantly, the God-emperor himself has never formally denied the agenda of "creeping consolidation", despite a petition from a number of independent hyperturings requesting him to do so. The Seat of Judgement remains similarly noncommittal, referring to it as "a local matter", and that the question is "not relevant to the primary Purpose of Our Presence as defined in the axioms" Also, the Negentropy Alliance siding with the Paradigm just as their defeat seemed certain does not endear the Alliance to many small independent polities.

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 07 January 2002.

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