Image from Anders Sandberg
A nanecology built solely on organic Bionanite.

Strictly speaking, natural carbon-based ecosystems area a form of bionanecology. The term however is more generally used to refer to artificial bionano, as opposed to naturally evolved bionano. Most bionanecologies and hylonanecologies tend to merge, with each using components found in the other; the difference between them being one of degree rather than of kind. In some cases however, unregulated bionanecologies can infect natural biosystems and biospheres with which they come in contact, leading to an explosion of hybrid lifeforms.

One of the most widespread forms of nanecology is the artificial gut flora that many bionts carry within their alimentary canal. This comes in many varieties, sometimes closely related to the original (baseline) flora, and sometimes capable of a wide variety of other functions. Rarely, a biont may chose to use an entirely non-biological hylonanecology in eir gut instead.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Initially published on 08 October 2001.

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