Beta Arae

Star at the core of the Utopia Sphere

Beta Arae
Image from Steve Bowers
An orange K-type bright giant or supergiant star, with a high metallicity (super-rich in iron).
Distance from Sol 603 ly.
Luminosity 4600 x Sol
Radius 92 x Sol
Colonised 2975AT

The heart of the Beta Arae volume, which is the core of the Utopia Sphere, Beta Arae is surrounded by god-tech megastructures believed to hold part of the substrate for the Utopia Sphere archailect Chesed.

Beta Arae has four very small red dwarf companions in wide orbits; collectively these stars are known as the Beta Arae Bracelet. Each dwarf is surrounded by a partial dyson sphere, incorporating a wide range of environments and utopian societies.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev and Steve Bowers
Initially published on 08 October 2001.

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