Originally a manufacturer of Interplanetary Heavy Lift vehicles, it diversified into a wide range of industries. Major divisions and subsidiaries such as Ares Space, Ares Genomics (specializing in Martian terraforming tech) and Ares Global Virtualtainment made the parent company a healthy profit in aerospace, entertainment, biotech and many other areas. A wide-ranging business empire, Ares extended its interests through minor subsidiaries into such diverse markets as simsense, utilities, fashion, phenotech, automotive engineering, and scientific research, with a number of offices on Earth, L5, Luna, and Ceres. By the late 3rd century AT, the megacorp had become a symbol of planetary pride, holding its own against such formidable rivals as Lee Interorbital, GeneTEK, Hyperion Interplanetary, High Frontier Industries, Adaptive Nanosystems, and Neotek.
Despite its far-flung empire and AI guidance, the corporation did not survive the Technocalypse of 565 AT.