
Dwarf Planet in the Old Solar System.

Ceres Flag
Image from MacGregor
The Flag of Ceres has remained essentially unchanged since the Federation Era. It incorporates the ancient astrological symbol for Ceres over a gray disk, signifying the fact that this small world has enough gravity for hydrostatic equilibrium. The Gold borders represent the mineral wealth that made Ceres an important mining center in the asteroid belt.
Ceres is a dwarf planet in the Old Solar System. An account of the colonisation and early history of this worldlet is given here.

Ceres became an important shipyard and occasional capital of the Solar Organisation. Many of the exploration ships built in the First Federation Era were constructed in orbit around this world. The megacorp Ceres Astrospace had its headquarters here during this period, and the Delta fighter ship became their most famous export. Ceres Astrospace was later taken over by Yanto Corp of Merrion, and continued to operate until after the Version War.

Ceres Map
Image from NASA public domain image

In the Current Era Ceres is entirely paraterraformed, and receives additional insolation from illuminators in solar orbit.
Ceres Shipyard
Image from PortalHunter
Major Cities: Ceres City, Kerwan Landing, Occator Freeport, Rongoville

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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Additional Material by Steve Bowers and MacGregor
Initially published on 24 September 2001.

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