"Ruling Reptile". Important biological clade of terragen vertebrates that rose to prominence in the Mesozoic of Old Earth. It includes crocodilians, dinosaurs, birds, and a number of other extant, extinct or lazurogened types. A number of provolved species are of archosaurian derivation.

- ArchSaur (Archailect)
- Bird
- Croc, Crocodile - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Baseline crocodiles constitute an order of large tropical terragen semi-aquatic carnivorous reptile. Crocodile splices are common, although not as common as lizard splices. There are a few species crocodilian provolves, but, as with sa-theropod dinosaurs, social engineering is not easy for these large aggressive animals. Most croc provolves live away from the main thoroughfares of civilization, where they form their own subcultures.
- Dino Kids - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Clade/Subculture of archosaurian rianthed devotionalists who identified with the memetic of the hyperturing GEvidan.
- Dinosaur
- GEvidian
- Lazurogenics