Alexander the Great
In Old Earth's Agricultural Age (Western Civilization's Classical Age) the, king of Macedon, conqueror of much of Asia and responsible for the spread of Greek culture to regions as far away as India; lived 2325-2292 BT (356-323 BC).

Alexander's tutor when he was young was Aristotle. He unified the known world of the Mediterranean and Middle East in a single culture (Hellenism). A number of cities were named after him. One, Alexandria in Egypt, was home to the Great Library.

The Alexander genome has been reconstructed by several personacorporations and historopersonacorporations; they advertise something between 49% and 57% certainty for the genome and 85% to 92% for personamorph itself. Both remain popular templates, though use of the complete baseline form is understandably rare. There are a number of cheap versions in circulation, as well as a reasonably authentic public domain freeware.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev; some additions by Stephen Inniss
Initially published on 31 December 2001.

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