Aerospace Engineering
A field of engineering that combines aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, propulsion, thermodynamics, aerospace mechanics, virch simulations, materials science, energy use, nanofabrication and vehicular structures.

Aerospace engineers are almost always augmented cyborg, vec, or ai, or if biont have appropriate analogous implants and abilities. Subturing or turingrade expert system subroutines are essential. They are employed in the design of templates for the construction of aircraft, spacecraft (generally exoatmospheric and short range), drones, remotes, missiles, satellites, sentient and non-sentient guidance systems, configuring chemical, ionic, nuclear and amat engine systems and power plants, nano- , meso- and macro-scale structural components, and related tech. The templates are fed through nanofabs or SCMs or are programmed into assemblers which then create the vehicle or component. While some engine test stands, vacuum, thermal and atmospheric testing chambers, and so on are used, much of the design and testing is done via sophisticated simulations, often mapping each individual atom.
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Development Notes
Text by M. Alan Kazlev, modified from the original write-up by Robert J. Hall
Initially published on 10 September 2001.

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