Voices: Future Tense - #27

Waiting for the Storm

V:FT - Issue 27
Image from Darren Ryding

After due consideration, it has been decided to continue creating Voices:Future Tense using the Orion's Arm Content Management System. Due to this change, V:FT will temporarily appear inside the Orion's Arm website while its new pages are being created. Ultimately, our goal is to move all issues of V:FT, past and present, to a new home that will better serve our members and fans. Thank you for your patience (and please pardon our construction dust) while we make this exciting change.

Table of Contents


Now Available!! - After Tranquility: Tales from Orion's Arm Vol 2

Call for Submissions


Dirty Hands Pt 1 of 3 - by Theodore Bonn

Short Stories:

A New Way - by Rynn

You Are Who You Eat - by Richard Tornello

A Day in the Life

Read All About It! - Headlines from The Tylansian Truthmaker

Book Reviews:

The Quantum Thief - by Hannu Rajaniemi

From the Encyclopedia Galactica:

Fata Morgana II

Real Life But OA Relevant

Self-Organizing Robot Swarms

Special Features

Remembering Our History: Apollo 11

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