Frank Herbert
Background Information:

Wikipedia Bio

Reader's Thoughts:

Herbert's Dune and its sequels - equalling Asimov's Foundation in its grandeur - is another of the great classics of science fiction. The story of the powerful and ancient warring Houses inspired me to add the Great Houses to the Orion's Arm setting. However, technologically, Dune is quite medieval ( in keeping with its feudalistic plotline), or rather Bedouin (whenever Fremen comes up I keep thinking of Lawrence of Arabia!). Although the characters are a lot richer and more realistic than those of Foundation, the tech and "soft sci fi" setting has almost nothing in common with our setting, and the Sandworms are ecologically and biologically absurd. I also find Herbert heavy and tiring to read. Nevertheless, some good ideas to be found scattered among the rich tapestry of his narration. Check out the two movie versions as well.

M Alan Kazlev

While it is true that Herbert's Duniverse is more like a mankind's past, than a strange new future, Herbert himself was never much interested in technology and science in itself. What interested him was humanity and its abilities. This was an avenue much explored in the Dune chronicles which is more like fantasy than SF anyway...But some of his less well known novells, especially the above mentioned and also the so-called Pandora Saga (cowritten with Bill Ransom) depicts societies much more like those envisioned by the Orion's Arm project (Albeit not going quite as far as Orion's Arm).

Thomas Joergensen

When rereading Chapterhouse Dune it struck me that the Dune books contain just about the most accurate portrayals of su/superbright interaction e.g. just about every conversation of the Bene Gesserit.

Chinedum Ofoegbu

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