Appeal to Toposophy

Common logical Fallacy in Toposophic philosophy

Communing with the Archai
Image from Jaun Ochoa

Persistent social and cognitive biases continue to affect the thought processes of many sophonts by introducing logical fallacies into the process.

One of these biases has been present since the time of the revelation of the first transapient. Modosophonts have always faced a challenge when determining the factual accuracy of statements made by entity with vastly superior intelligence. Part of the reason this occurs is that to reach their conclusions transapients employ a systematic rational comprehensively called translogic .

This approach is indecipherable to modosophonts, necessitating a potentially time-intensive process of restructuring the statement into a logically accessible format. Face with the daunting task of challenging a transapients' line of thought many modosophonts will instead defer to the transapient, even in situations where logical analysis could eventually deduce the truth of a statement.

This logical fallacy, a special case of appeal to authority, is known as appeal to toposophy. In short, it is the assertion that a specific statement is true based on the fact that it originated from a higher toposophic entity. This isn't to say that the statement is necessarily true or false, only that credence should not be unduly given to the toposophic level of the arguer.

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Text by Mark Ryherd
Initially published on 12 December 2012.

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