Federation of Worlds, The

- Fed Reps (Federation Representatives)
- Federation - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
Group of states, worlds, or systems, each internally independent, joined into a union to which has been surrendered certain rights and responsibilities, most generally to do with foreign affairs, connected by trade and cultural links (the wormhole stargate nexus) and sharing a common ontology.
- Fedhead - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
[1] Neoromantic socio-ideological movement that advocates a romanticized First Federation style government with equal power sharing between hu and ai (see also Codominionism).
[2] Historical or memetic recreationists that are crazy about all things "First Federation".
[3] A historical or pseudo-historical lazurocultural recreation such as Clade Fedhed.
- Fedhed, Clade
- First Federation of Hu and AI, The
- First Federation Period - Text by M. Alan Kazlev
The period encompassing the historical span of the First Federation, from about 900 to mid third millennium. It was succeeded by the establishment of the archailect empires ("sephirotics") in their own right.