Transfer Plane

transfer plane
Image from Steve Bowers

Transapientech device that uses enhanced quantum repulsion and attraction to adjust or eliminate frictional forces or propel matter across itself, all without any moving parts.

Transfer plane technology uses a thin-film layer of solid-state nanodevices to manipulate quantum effects to amplify or reduce frictional forces. When friction is amplified, the transfer plane surface becomes increasingly "sticky" until, at maximum amplification, the surface takes on properties very similar to geckotech, with even quite large objects attaching to it firmly regardless of its orientation or subsequent movement. When friction is reduced, the transfer plane becomes increasingly slippery until, at maximum reduction, its surface becomes effectively frictionless, allowing even quite massive objects to slide across it with ease in response to even a minor impulse. Both friction amplification and reduction can be turned on and off at will and adjusted across the transfer plane surface as required.

Transfer planes can also be used to directly move modest quantities of bulk matter, primarily in the form of liquids or powders. Such "solid state pumps" may move small amounts of matter via direct levitation, while shifting larger masses by apparently setting up resonances or reinforcing currents within the material which build to sufficient strength to pull the rest of the mass along with them. Higher S-level versions of the technology (S3 and above) have been observed to move solid objects of up to several kilograms in mass but, despite persistent rumors, greater capabilities in this area have never been confirmed.

Transfer plane technology is primarily used to secure or move cargo, to adjust the hull properties of air and water craft for greater efficiency and maneuverability, to pump liquids, and to move feedstocks within transapient nanoforges. Security applications are also common in more advanced systems, with walls and floors able to instantly become so slippery or sticky as to render a criminal or prisoner effectively immobile.

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Development Notes
Text by Todd Drashner
Initially published on 31 January 2011.

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