
Methane-respiring cold-adapted extremophile humanoids created by House Genen in the Zoeific Biopolity. This clade is very widespread and often actively involved in opposition to projects terraforming Ymirian and Titanian worlds suited for Methanoids. On occasion they have formed alliances with other (quite different) extremophile clades to oppose terraforming in general. Important faction in the Epp War.
Although they call themselves 'tweaks', Methanogens are more accurately referred to as neogens, since they share very few genetic features with Earth life. They have a Type III metabolism which resembles that of the Muuh, although the creation of this clade predates first contact with that race. Most of their genetic make-up and biochemistry is derived from alien lifeforms discovered on various icy worlds in the Inner Sphere and beyond, during the Age of Expansion; the earliest Methanoid individuals were produced on Shackleton (near Frog's Head) in 2501 AT.
Members of the original (and most widespread) Methanoid subclade are comfortable at temperatures around 114 K, and usually colonise small Titanian or Ymirian ice worlds.
Because of their slow metabolism Methanoids move comparatively slowly, with a subjective experience of time that is less than one tenth as fast as that of a baseline human; but they make extensive use of neurally linked exoselves that are capable of much faster processing where necessary. Most Methanoids live on small, low gravity worlds where objects fall slowly under gravity, and their slower experience of time causes them to perceive objects to fall at near-normal speeds.
When walking on such a low gravity world a Methanoid appears to move in slow motion, unlike faster humanoid clades, who tend to hop or lope in low gravity. Methanoids who inhabit low gravity ice worlds exhibit considerable strength when lifting or carrying objects, although inertia is still a problem.
Derivative clades include variants which live on larger icy worlds, such as supertitanians or superymirians. Large icy, methane-rich worlds often have relatively low gravity for their size, but have denser atmospheres which can be considerably warmer. As a result some (quite widespread) Methanoid subclades can tolerate much warmer temperatures.