Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart
Image from Steve Bowers

One of the three modosophont-level Capital worlds of the Sophic League; the other two being Ararat and New Taylor. The Sacred Heart system is not a large one. It has only three planets and no moons, but the sheer magnitude of its lone inhabited planet-city (also named Sacred Heart) is staggering. Sacred Heart is a Hermian type planet located in the Praesepe region, and became part of the Sophic League in 3234, in the aftermath of the Taurus Nexus breakup. At that time, the Sophic League absorbed many systems, Sacred Heart being one of them. Sacred Heart, the dominant planet, is one of the oldest city- covered worlds in the Terragen Sphere.

Sacred Heart was brought from being a backward and poorly terraformed world with a lone interstellar catapult, in the 3200s to a thriving city-planet with a full 16 wormholes and another eight in transit by 4150. The terraforming was never properly managed and the project was finally abandoned. Fortunately, not many come to enjoy the natural biosphere of Sacred Heart; most are on business which does not involve spending time outdoors.

An important factor contributing to Sacred Heart's dense population was that it was one of the Sophic systems that kept its wormholes open for refugees during the Version War. Several hundred billion emigrated to the system, creating a very cosmopolitan, if a bit crowded and messy, world. Since then it has been one of the great melting pots of the Wormhole Nexus.

The entire planet of Sacred Heart is covered with buildings and structures, except for a few historical areas, which are protected by large biodomes. The buildings are at such a high density that it is often quite difficult to demolish existing buildings. Instead of removing previous structures, new buildings are often built on top of old ones, with the old structures incorporated into the new ones. This creates a market of extremely high property prices at the top levels, with prices becoming progressively cheaper the farther down one goes.

A significant number of very ancient structures are preserved for historical reasons, often by conservation organisations which include a number of sophont buildings. Even though these ancient structures are generally non-sentient, the sophont buildings of Sacred Heart feel a responsibility for their continued existence for sentimental and devotional reasons.

Sacred Heart is surrounded by a number of large-scale spaceports and a planetary orbital band, completed in the ComEmp era.
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Development Notes
Text by D. David Barbeau
Amended by Steve Bowers and Dave
Initially published on 04 March 2001.

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