
Image from Chris Shaeffer

Located at the edge of Disarchy territory, near both the Negentropy Alliance and NoCoZo borders, Evermore is a blend of the Negentropy, NoCoZo and Caretaker characteristics found in its creator, the collective archailect known as The Twelve. There you will find a world where resources are managed to ensure survival into the distant future, a thriving autotopia market place and even protected nature parks supporting enormous populations of wildlife.


In 4772 a.t, following the Version War, The Twelve acquired full development rights to the uninhabited Altus Lucror planetary system — located at the edge of NoCoZo space along the Negentropy Alliance border. While the market analysts of the time considered the move risky, they all agreed it could be a very lucrative venture. Regional instability had driven the purchase price down far below potential investment value, and if stability could be maintained The Twelve looked to show an enormous profit margin. As no entities below the third singularity were involved in the transaction the exact details of the transaction remain unknown to the modosophont populace.

Within a year of the acquisition eir ISO appeared within Altus Lucror to begin aligning resources for the future development process. Due to the speed of this arrival, some analysts have speculated that The Twelve anticipated the acquisition years in advance, and dispatched the ISO accordingly.

Immediately after arriving the ISO discovered a mining company operating on a moon orbiting one of the systems large jovians. Zeek27B, the first singularity transapient leading the operation, was claiming squatter's rights to the moon and a few metal rich asteroids. Records show that The Twelve did not challenge their claim, and despite having legal rights to do so did not demand their departure. Interestingly, e allowed the miners to make the decision for themselves whether to remain or depart. The message also explained that The Twelve would not take responsibility for their safety. Although leery, the miners stayed and the two sides seemed able to work on their respective projects in harmony.

This truce continued for nearly five years until a linelayer appeared, deploying a grazer just outside the system. When the miners addressed The Twelve regarding the grazer's presence, e explained eir intention to dismantle the entire system, including the primary. As promised The Twelve intended to leave the miners their moon and even the asteroids to which they had laid claim. E did express some concern for their well being when the jovian they currently orbited was consumed as grazer matter, but promised to be as gentle as might be possible during such operations. Within days an agreement was reached allowing the miners to be compensated for their claim, minus expenses, and the company departed.

The next major challenge was external to the Altus Lucror system. The entire region was unstable and still suffering from post-Version War political upheaval. In 6648 The Twelve, through a series of contract buyouts, seceded from the NoCoZo and claimed political neutrality. It was during this time that the seeds were sown that would later allow Evermore to serve as a non-aligned diplomatic hub, promoting regional stability.

In 6797 the original system was completely dismantled, and with the raw materials staged, construction began on the actual habitat complex. These operations, including construction, ecology development and population integration were complete by 9173.

The Construction of the Evermore Habitats

System dismantling Phase

The first step in the process was the disassembly of the planets. This portion of the operation did not require any finesse, and therefore the grazer was utilized to expedite the process. The mass of the planets, and later a portion of the primary, was utilized for simple grazer expansion. This expansion allowed for maximum efficiency during the later star dismantling operations.

The primary (A5V star type, 2.0 solar masses) was dismantled using a combination of advanced star lifting techniques. First, a series of particle accelerators were set in stationary orbit around the stars equator. Using these accelerators a powerful ring current was established with its dipoles over the stars rotational poles. This magnetic field also provided a secondary function of supporting the accelerators against the stars gravity. By temporarily shutting the ring current down it allowed the particle accelerators to begin falling inwards toward the star. When enough velocity had been achieved the accelerators would be reactivated, their fall would be reversed and the resultant magnetic field would squeeze the star. By using multiple groups of particle accelerators, set to rise and fall in cadence around the star, constant pressure could be applied. Simultaneously strategically placed conversion bombs were used to blast away the outer most layers to release additional material. The entire process caused vast amounts of stellar matter to be guided toward, and finally ejected as jets through, the magnetic nozzles aligned with the stars rotational poles. Using a mass beam supported magnetic tunnel structure the plasma maintained a tight stream even over astronomical distances. This guided the material ejected from the poles into the waiting grazer. Once ejected from the other end of the grazer, another network began sifting the stellar material into its various component elements. This material was collected into spheres, the size of which was determined by material density. The gravity generated by each sphere was carefully maintained to ensure stability within the forming resource bank. While it may have been possible to simply tear the entire system apart with the grazer, it was determined that the higher level of control outweighed the slight delay in project completion.

Populating the Complex

Type 1 cylinders were populated one at a time. These first generations required 21.76 years from zygote production to installation as full citizens. Filling all of the cylinders required just over two millennia to complete.

Type 2 cylinders were handled slightly differently. Large numbers of the required wildlife were grown and released to propagate on their own. Over the millennia some species have grown to have populations vastly larger than ever found on their home worlds. In some parks herds hundreds of miles across can be found moving across the landscape.


Evermore consists of three primary components: The ring framework, the habitat cylinders and the fuel management system.

The ring framework itself is a complex maze of parts. Within the framework is a series of inter-habitat vac trains, the permanent magnets that form half of the cylinder rotation systems, the conversion reactors that power the entire complex and the superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) system.

Power for the entire complex is provided by a series of 240 independent full conversion reactors (i.e monopole assisted fusion). Each reactor is capable of burning 735 grams of hydrogen per second or enough fuel to fully power 4 cylinders. The standard day-to-day operarting procedure is to run each reactor at 25% capacity with a jump to 50% capacity for maintenance operations. These reactors are connected to the habitat via a dedicated AI maintained power grid. This dynamic system is able to establish connections between any of the reactors and any of the components of the Evermore complex that may potentially require power.

Each cylinder has a dedicated SMES system built into the ring framework. The SMES is designed to alleviate wasted resources, or more specifically wasted fuel. If the conversion reactors burn fuel to generate energy for the habitat and that energy goes unused, it is sent to the SMES for storage. These systems have a storage capacity of 59.468e+18 Joules — or enough energy to power the population allowance and angelnet for 24-hours. Before the core burns more fuel it will first tap into this stored energy thereby conserving resources. Since all of the environmental energy requirements are a constant, if a habitat conducts normal operations, the SMES should never reach anywhere near its storage potential. Each SMES is a cylinder 5000km high and 2000km in diameter.

There are three types of cylinders within the overall structure of Evermore.

Type 1 cylinders, also called moratustella, or civilized worlds, are used as the primary habitats for the average citizens of Evermore. This is where day-to-day life and business is conducted and where most modosophonts spend the majority of their time. Within these fundamentally identical population centers the angelnet and other safeguards provide peace and security to the inhabitants.

The internal ecology of the type 1 cylinders incorporates naturally occurring wildlife, sea life and plant life from all eight of the represented gaian worlds. Each was carefully selected for compatibility and balance within the ecosystem with Terran life being given preference.

On land there is a large array of non-predatory birds and wildlife. Although most of these animals are maintained within the park areas, it is not unusual for citizens to maintain pets. Pets are of both the naturally occurring but also of the genetically engineered variety. Due to the 100m x 100m plots allotted to each citizen for personal use, keeping reasonably large pets is not a difficulty.

Incorporated into the ecology are a number of genetically engineered insects used to maintain certain natural functions. An immediate example of this are the non-stinging bees used to maintain a natural cycle of pollination.

Within the oceans is a diverse grouping of life, also selected from the represented gaian worlds, using the same criteria of compatibility and long-term balance. Sea life may be of a predatory nature and both citizens are visitors are dully warned of the possible dangers.

There are 100 type 1 cylinders with a standard hazard rating of 0.0 on land and in protected beach areas. A hazard rating of 2.0 exists for those in the oceans beyond the protected areas.

Type 2 cylinders are known as ferustella, or wild worlds. These are used as nature parks and have widely varying internal environments mimicking those found on gaian worlds. In total 8 separate worlds are represented within the Evermore complex. Environments tend to be specific and cylinder wide with the entire ecology selected from a single world. For example cylinder 103 houses a Terran tropical / subtropical broadleaf forest. Much of the wildlife inhabiting these reserves came from cell samples acquired as gifts or in trade from a variety of Caretaker gods. Unlike the type 1 cylinders, wildlife on land, in the air and in the sea may be of a predatory nature.

Access to the type 2 cylinders is strictly controlled and those who venture there do so at their own risk. Visitors are expected to respect the environment and safety is in the hands of the traveler. If a visitor is careless and encounters danger the gods will not intervene. However if a visitor acts in a way damaging to the environment — shy of immediate self-defense — they will be punished accordingly.

There are a total of 100 Type 2 cylinders with hazard ratings ranging from 2 — 5.

Type 3 cylinders are the realms of transapients and modosophonts are prohibited from entry by order of The Twelve. The locals call these the deustella, or god-worlds. There are 40 type 3 cylinders and some of these are occupied by a single entity and eir projects. From the information occasionally provided by the more open transapients it appears the policy is one of protection for modosophonts. In some cases the projects being conducted there might be described as hazardous to the careless or unknowing, and as the internal environment is often in a state of flux, the opportunity for injury or death is extremely high. Other type 3 cylinders have been described as computronium banks utilized by the transapients for one purpose or another and they simply do not want modosophonts meddling around. Hazard ratings vary from 4 — 6.

The fuel management system is composed of four parts. The first portion is the fuel supply itself, which is composed of 30 million spheres of frozen hydrogen collected during the dismantling of the system and later mining efforts. These spheres mass 10e+22 kg each and are set in a static sphere formation several AU from the complex. The second portion of the system is the dedicated AI craft that collect the required materials and feed it into the mass beam assembly. There is a constant stream of communication between the power grid and fuel management AI in order to maintain fuel delivery at the required rates. Supplied by a constant stream of material via the mass beams, the fuel delivery system uses a dynamic array of smart matter tubes to deliver the liquid fuel to any one of the 240 conversion reactors powering the Evermore complex.

It is estimated that taking only the hydrogen supply into account, collected when the primary was dismantled, there is enough fuel to power the complex for 20e+17 years of continuous standard operations.

In addition to the hydrogen fuel the resource bank has large stockpiles of helium (which alone measures over 10 million spheres), oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, silicon, magnesium, iron, sulfur, aluminum and other elements gathered from the dismantling of the system as well as other mining efforts.

The Current Role of Grazer Wormholes

Over the years Evermore interests have acquired a small number of additional uninhabited nearby star systems. All of these are lifeless, some with and some without planetary systems. All are scheduled for disassembly by grazer in order to stock the Evermore materials bank. Acquisition usually involves the division of assets so that the original owner gets a percentage of the material value of the system. This allows all parties concerned access to the enormous material wealth provided by the dismantling process.

In order to ensure a good balance of elemental materials, the grazers gravity well is utilized in a manner similar to that seen in a standard DWIZ. From there it is processed and stored as appropriate.

Culture and Society

Calendar & Local Timekeeping

Due to the artificial nature of the environment local time is set on an exact cycle of day/night and seasons. The local calendar is comprised of 365 24-hour days in remembrance of their terran origins. The year is divided into ten months and five holidays. A month is 6-weeks long, a week is 6-days long, a day is 24-hours, an hour is 60-minutes and a minute is 60-seconds. A second is defined as the time it takes light to travel 299,792,458 meters in a vacuum.

Days are further divided into 4 periods: 1 hour of dawn, 14 hours of light, 1 hour of dusk and 8 hours of night. There is no seasonal shift.

Clocks use a 24-hour time period starting at dawn. Therefore the first moment of dawn would be displayed as 00:00:00 and the first moment of dusk would be 15:00:00.


Every 72 days - or two months - there is an extra day inserted. These are the official national holidays. Celebrations are three days long including not only the actual holiday but also the two days preceding it.

The five Holidays
· Founding: A patriotic holiday following the second month of the year. A celebration of the building of Evermore. It is a day of friends, the community and also recognition of The Twelve who makes such things possible.
· Ascension: The celebration of self-improvement and striving to be more than you are today. Ascension follows the fourth month of the year.
· The Challenge:: The Challenge is actually a sporting event / national pastime and unlike the others it also includes the two days following the holiday.
· Origin: This holiday is a celebration of the past, hindsight, lessons learned and a time of forgiveness. Origin follows the eighth month of the year.
· Pledge: The last day of the year. This holiday is a celebration of the future and a time of dedication.

Type of Government

Benevolent dictatorship with rule by proxy. The Twelve maintains complete authority within the system. Each type 1 or 2 cylinder is sentient and a dedicated SI:1-2 AI transavant specially designed by The Twelve for the task. Serving the transavants are a number of S:1 agents, referred to as the Praesul. The Praesul are the public face of authority and modosophonts rarely have interactions with anyone above this office.

Crime & Punishment

Criminal acts are assigned a value on a scale from 1 to 4. Penalties are administered according to the position on the scale.

1 = Fines & Restitution: Guilty parties may be required to pay fines in addition to the cost of damages and processing. Fines are assigned a percentage value from 1 — 20%. This value is applied against the criminal's net worth to determine the actual value of the fine.

2 = Fines & Restitution + Memetic Counseling: This is the largest category of crimes.

3 = Fines & Restitution + Memetic Counseling + Virtual Imprisonment: It may be determined that intensive counseling is required. In such cases the guilty parties mind is uploaded into a specialized virch environment experiencing subjective time. This allows years of retraining to occur in very short periods of real time.

4 = Fines & Restitution + Reprogramming: This level of control is only enforced for the most heinous of crimes. Modosophont reprogramming is conducted by an S:2 level agent of The Twelve. It may be determined that too much of the criminals mind will require reprogramming and the individual personality is likely to be lost. In such cases it may be determined it is more efficient to recycle them entirely.

Guilt or innocence is determined through analysis of angelnet records used in conjunction with mind scanning of the accused, any witnesses and if appropriate any victims. The court does not recognize ignorance of the law as an excuse and will enforce its laws on non-citizens equally. (Author's Note: Visitors to Evermore can easily find one of the many vendors offering social advisory packages. These come in a variety of forms, and of course prices.)

Due to the existence of the angelnet most serious criminal behavior is intercepted prior to completion. When this happens penalties are assigned based on the guilty parties intent as determined via mind-scan. Because of the process required to replace a lost citizen great care is taken to save both victim and offender.

It should be noted that crime is extremely rare in Evermore even outside of the angelnet. Due to the careful monitoring of genetics, the intensive memetic training during youth and the quasi-autotopia economy the primary factors leading to criminal behavior have been eliminated.


Cultural: Quasi-autotopia with capitalist overtones and a strong memetic towards long-term social and environmental thinking. Major industries include iinter-sephirotic / inter-polity contract / treaty development and arbitration, system development templates (specializing in mining and heliology) and nanofac AI and template development.

Individual: Each citizen is given a standard allowance of 5000 kg of renewable / recyclable materials. This includes such items as food, clothing and personal effects. Citizens may increase their allowance to as much as 10,000 kg by paying the additional energy costs required to maintain habitat equilibrium. These fees are fairly low and many citizens exercise this privilege.

Each citizen is given a standard energy allowance of 432 MJoule (120 kW/hours) per day. Any energy allowance that is not utilized may be transferred to a Petajoule Credit account.

Petajoule Credit (also called PJCs) Each PJC represents enough material within the habitat resource bank to generate 1e15 Joules of energy for the complex. In order to generate the required power the material is burned in any one of the 240 conversion reactors that make up the habitats power system. If an individual can import material from outside the system, and deposit it within the resource stockpile they can enter the Evermore society with an equivalent value of PJCs. This is one reason why investment in out-system mining and development can be so lucrative. Such endeavors can be risky, as transporting the material can end up costing more than the end value of the deposit.

A strong cultural memetic promotes being fiscally responsible and socially productive. The vast majority of citizens have large investments in a variety of ventures both in and out of system. The average citizen devotes 15-20% of their time to these business ventures. Due to the level of basic provisioning all citizens receive they are able to live comfortably regardless of effort. This fact allows them to spend the vast majority of their time pursuing areas of personal interest.

In the event a citizen trades or otherwise loses a portion of their base assets it is their responsibility to replace them.

Ascension Policies:

The Twelve maintains a transcension maze known as Hemel Deur somewhere outside the Evermore system. Those citizens interested in pursuing ascension are encouraged to do so. The application, competition and subsequent elimination process is long and difficult. Only those top applicants who meet the established standards are accepted. Once accepted applicants are transported to Hemel Deur where it is said the real challenge awaits.

Although alternate systems for ascension are available within the Terragen sphere these are carefully monitored and filtered from the population. Even data from the Known Net regarding such things is blocked. Attempting to circumvent these policies is a major criminal infraction. For example possession of a SNARE or a virch transcension maze is considered a level 4 criminal offense. This policy of control is specifically designed to protect the population from the potential development of an uncontrolled blight or perversion.

Evermore Habitats; Technical Details

Type 1 Cylinder Technical DetailsPhysical Dimensions:
Outer Diameter: 2,000.14 km
Outer Length: 10,000.14 km
Outer Circumference: 6,283.63 km
Inner Diameter: 2,000 km
Inner Length: 10,000 km
Hull Characteristics:Shell Thickness: 70-meters
The shell is primarily composed of buckyfiber with a 63GPa tensile strength. This provides a 49.83% safety margin against internal pressures induced by the simulated gravity. There are thin inner and outer shells of sapphiroid to protect the buckyfiber against certain corrosive forces.
Internal Pressure on Shell: 2.21e+6 Pa
Hoop Stress: 31.61e+9 Pa
Longitudinal Stress: 15.80e+9 Pa
Mass Breakdown:Total: 26.46e+18 kg
Shell: 12.93e+18 kg
Superconductor Rotation Disk: 4.52e+12 kg
Interior: 13.53e+18 kg
Crust Layer: 8.80e+18 kg
Water: 4.71e+18 kg
Angelnet: 18.85e+15 kg
Population: 34.29e+9 kg
Personal Resources: 1.71e+12 kg
Internal Environment:General: The internal surface area is divided into 11 bands. On either end is a band 500 km wide. Alternating between these end bands are ocean and land bands 1000 km wide.
Total Inner Surface Area: 62,831,853 km2
Total Land Area: 31,415,926.5 km2
Total Water Area: 31,415,926.5 km2
Crust: The entire inner surface of the habitat is covered with an earthen layer 50 meters thick in order to mimic a gaian environment as closely as possible. A variety of techniques are used to combat erosion and maintain the environmental status quo. These techniques include simple design features to encourage erosion to occur a specific way, sub-surface bots and even utility fogs to reposition material. Complex structures are sometimes remanufactured utilizing the facilities located within the resource bank.
Land Bands: Topographic features are created through the use of buckytube and diamondoid structures beneath the crust layers.
Approximately 4% of the habitats environmental water supply exists as freshwater lakes, rivers and streams within these land bands.
Ocean Bands: These salt-water oceans contain 96% of the habitats environmental water supply. The oceans start at the beaches and then gently drop in a tiered shelf system to a maximum depth of 300 meters. In order to promote ocean currents, heat is strategically applied to the water at various points along the bottom.
Weather:Ocean Level Atmospheric Pressure: 101.325 kPa
Weather patterns are manipulated through the strategic control of emissions from the central emitter.

The central emitter creates a slight temperature differential between the port and starboard ends of the habitat with the port end being slightly warmer. Airflow begins in the cylinders center, around the zero-g axis. The air here begins to slowly expand toward the inner surface where it picks up the habitats radial acceleration. This radial acceleration causes the air to move spinward while the temperature differentials cause it to have an additional starboard motion. The end effect is a spiraling column of air moving starboard along the core.

Once the airflow reaches the end cap it spreads, working around to the cylinder shell, picking up more radial acceleration, increasing its spinward veer and moving back towards port along the inner surface.

As the airflow accelerates it begins to move inward toward the center of the cylinder. Due to the starboard airflow along the core and the port flow along the inner shell a circular rise and fall cycle is avoided. Instead a spinward corkscrew running from starboard to port along the wall, and a helical cyclonic stream running port to starboard along the core is created. Cloud patterns can be seen to follow this corkscrew airflow.

Various topographic features, water, buildings and heat distribution can be disruptive to the main pattern of airflow creating variable cross winds and occasional minor gusting whirlwinds (i.e dust devils). Large terrain features such as mountains have been strategically placed to encourage this effect and distribute rain and other weather effects appropriately.
SeasonsThere are four seasons - summer, fall, wintwe annd spring, as controlled by the central emitter. These are dependent on the amount of energy directed into the environment.

Summer is the first 95 days each year. Temperatures vary from 20 - 33 degrees Celsius with occasional light to medium rains.
Fall is the second season and lasts 90 days. Temperatures vary from 15 - 27 degrees Celsius.
Winter is the third season and lasts 90 days. Temperatures range from -1 degree Celsius at the heart of the season to 27 degrees Celsius nearer the beginning and end. Infrequent snowfall does occur, with 15 - 30 cm of possible accumulation.
Spring is the fourth season and lasts the remaining 90 days of the year. Temperatures vary from 15 - 27 degrees Celsius, with light to medium rainfall.
Central Emitter:Running the length of the cylinder core is a specialized emitter designed to mimic the radiation of a G-type star. Due to the enclosed nature of the habitat it needs only to provide an average total output of 342 watts / m2.

Note: The angelnet blocks the view of the emitter creating an effect similar to looking up into a clear blue sky. The main difference is that the landscape of the hab can still be seen above.
This is accomplished through a mixture of diffusing the light and also controlling the image projected to those within the angelnet / ufog system.
Population:342,896,644 persons
90% Lauro
10% Other (predominately immigrants)
Each citizen has 10,000 m2 of personal land area (100m x 100m square). The rest is used for extensive parks and commercial property.
580,000,000 AI (estimated)
The vast majority of these are dedicated systems.
Rotation DriveGeneral: The cylinder rotation system is a fairly simple arrangement taking advantage of the Meissner effect in superconductors. Each cylinder end cap is covered with a thin superconductor plate. Opposing this is a permanent magnet assembly built into the ring framework. The superconductors naturally oppose the magnets and power needs only be applied to generate and maintain rotation.

Gravity at Habitat Surface: 9.80665 m/s2 (simulated)
Characteristic Decay Time: 31,536,000 seconds
Single Rotation Time: 33.44 minutes
Rotations Per Minute: 0.0299
Outer Rim Speed: 3131.7524 m/s
Radians Per Second: 0.00313
Radiant Heat Cogeneration System General: Mounted a short distance outside the actual buckytube shell is a grid work of nano-crystal thermophotovoltaic collectors, each specially aligned to the radiant wavelengths of the cylinder. These collectors completely cover the habitat shell and allow the otherwise wasted heat to be converted to electricity.
Habitat Shell Temperature: 279.76 Kelvin
Final Radiated Temperature: 244.14 Kelvin
The central emitter radiates an averaged 342 Watts per m2 into the habitats internal environment. The environment utilizes 24.023% of this energy leaving 16.33e+15 Watts to be radiated into space as waste heat.
The central emitter also generates 1.13e+15 Watts of waste heat through the simple act of operation.
The population power allowance distribution system generates 90.24e+9 Watts of waste heat
The angelnet adds another 68.58e+10 Watts of heat to the system. Unlike the environmental waste heat that is allowed to radiate on its own, the angelnet systems utilize active cooling to direct heat out to the habitat shell.
The TPV system has a 42% conversion efficiency providing 73.32e+14 Watts of electricity that can be returned to the system.
Power RequirementsBasic Requirement: 16.48e+18 Watts
Rotation Drive: 16.46e+18 Watts
Central Emitter: 21.49e+15 Watts
Central Emitter Waste: 11.30e+13 Watts
Population Power Allowance: 17.14e+11 Watts
Population Waste: 90.24e+9 Watts
Angelnet: 68.57e+13 Watts
Angelnet Waste: 68.5,7e+10 Watts
Waste power is based on 95% delivery efficiency via superconductors.
Overall Power Requirement: 16.47e+18 Watts
Fuel Requirement: 183.339 kg of hydrogen per second (99.99% conversion rate)
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Development Notes
Text by Chris Shaeffer
Initially published on 06 March 2008.

A World Builders Guide To Evermore

Basics:Units 1 Pascal = 1 Newton per meter squared.
1 Newton = 1kg per meter per second per second.

Maximum Radius of a Cylindrical Habitat: R must be less than H / g x G
R = Radius (meters)
H = Hoop Stress (Pa) (50% of tensile strength (safety factor))
g = Acceleration of Pseudo-Gravity at Rim (m/s/s)
G = Density of Shell Material (kg/m3)

Hoop Stress: H = P x D/2 x T
H =Hoop Stress (Pascals)
P = Pressure (Pascals)
D = Internal Diameter of the Cylinder
T = Wall Thickness of the Cylinder

Longitudinal Stress: (The pressure being applied to the end caps) L = P x D/4T(2)
L = Longitudinal Stress (Pa)
P = Pressure (Pascals)
T = Wall Thickness of the Cylinder

Calculating Pressure: P = Tm / A x g
P = Pressure (Pa)
Tm = Total Mass (kg)
A = Area (m2)
g = Pseudo Gravity (m/s/s)

Calculating Artificial Gravity: g = 0.011 x Cr2 x Cd
Cd = g / (0.011 x Cr2)
Cr = sqrt (g / (0.011 x Cd))
g = centrifugal gravity acceleration at point X (m/s/s)
Cd = Distance of point X from center of rotation (m)
Cr = Rotation rate at point X (rotations per minute)

Centrifugal Force Simulated Gravity

Heat Dissipation Capability:
Wh = Re x (5.67x10e-8) Ra x Rt4
Wh = Waste Heat (watts)
Re = Emissivity of Radiator (based on the material utilized)
Ra = Area of Radiator (m2)
Rt = Temperature of Radiator (Kelvin)

Energy Requirements to Maintain Spin:
NOTE:= A free-spinning cylinder in zero-g would have a very long characteristic decay time.
P = -dK/dt (t=0) = 2 M R2 omega02/tau
P = Power (Joules)
-dK/dt = Rate at which kinetic energy is being lost (The amount of power needed to keep the cylinder spinning at omega0 is just the negative of the rate at which energy is being lost (you are adding that much energy back in))
t = Time
M = Mass (kg)
R = Radius (m)
omega0 = Initial spin velocity at t=0
tau = Characteristic decay time

Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
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