Significant Cultural Impacts in the Terragen Sphere

The sentient ship 'Fortunate Cloud' decelerates into orbit around To'ul'h Prime, prior to first contact with the intelligent species there |
Since humanity left Old Earth, some historical events have had a significant impact on culture and custom across all or some of the Terragen sphere. Lists vary according to one's personal and cultural biases, but these include:
First Order (Terragen Sphere)
- Backyarders, 5th century AT.
- Technocalypse, 6th century AT
- Great Expulsion 622 AT
- First Federation, 946 AT
- The first Singularity (the attainment of the First Toposophic level) (2nd & following toposophics with diminishing direct impact) on ordinary sophonts. More here.
- Version War c. 4450 - 4653 AT
- Earliest distinct nonhuman or posthuman Terragen cultures (subsequent events are second or third order)
Second Order (Regional)
- Negentropism: First Promulgation of the Precepts, 1965 AT
- Solarism: First Interface, 2014 AT
- NoCoZo: Non-Coercion Agreement 1450 AT
- Sophic League: foundation 2345 AT; also important was the Reformulation of 2752 AT
- Metasoft: founded 22nd century AT, vec takeover 2344 AT, creation of the Version Tree 2582 AT
- Keterism: founded at Ain Soph Aur 1788 AT
- Verifex event: 7434 AT
- Oracle War 10480 AT
- Carina Rush beginning 6601 AT
- Contact with the Muuh, an ancient race with venerable technology
- Contact with the Meistersingers, a race seemingly in contact with several other galactic cultures
- First provolves, and AIs, before they developed their own cultures
- Contact with the To'ul'h (subsequent contacts with lower tech xenosophonts are 3rd order)
- First Interstellar colonies (particularly Nova and Penglai, and others which went on to found colonies of their own)
Third Order (niche effects or very local effects)
- Provolution/design of any major clade or a minor exotic clade
- Invention of the Worldhouse.
- First Bishop Rings.
- Defeat of the Conver Ambi.
- Contact with any lower tech xenosophonts (i.e. Paulans)