Vacation Activities

1) Make several to several dozen copies of your mind and send them out on journeys to as many different places/experiences. Later, rejoin and reintegrate them (and their collective experiences) back into your mind.
2) Load a copy of your mind into a non-sophont creature with your higher brain functions partly suppressed. Have the animal released into a preserve area and let it/you live as the animal for a while. After some period of time, have the animal picked up and your mindstate/memories uploaded back into your mind.
3) Meditation in the cloud cities of Cumulus.
4) A cruise (sub or surface) or island hopping vacation on Pacifica.
5) Skiing on the ice moon of a gas giant.
6) Surfing on Midgard at High Tide.
7) A cross-country ski safari on Remagar.
8) A trip (or maybe a tour of duty) on a Deeper Covenant Beamrider.
9) Copy your mind into the cybercore of a probeship to keep its ai company. Some decades or centuries later reintegrate the copy and experience the trip.
10) A photo-safari to Trees or any other Garden World.
11) Hot air ballooning on a small gas giant.
12) Virching into and visiting one of the millions of high-resolution artificial universes within the Cybercosm.
13)Take a sabbatical on a relativistic transport (watch time go by).
14) Visit a world hosting a display of Perfect Art.