
Image from Steve Bowers

The dungg is a pet, created from highly modified dog DNA. Believed to have been first created during the Second Federation period, it has since spread throughout terragen space. Though the dungg is no longer as popular as it once was, it can be found in every corner of terragen space in one form or another. Vec dunggs have been around almost as long as the dungg itself. Just like the dog breed, the dungg has many different subspecies, however common to them all are their six legs, and the grasping fingers of these legs that make them very capable climbers. The dungg is often crawling around on its owner, seeming to prefer to perch on its owner's arm or shoulder. The dungg are generally omnivores, preferring fruit, and especially bombards.

The Jal Dungg, which was the most popular subspecies in the ComEmp period, is approximately forty centimeters long, and weighs around four kilograms when fully grown. It is covered in a light brown short hair, and is tailless. The head is somewhat reminiscent of a dog's but with a shorter snout, and the flat teeth common to most breeds of dungg. The ears of the jal dungg are very much like those of an Old Earth beagle.

The jal dungg tends to be very playful, but also very obedient and easy to train. The average jal dungg is only as intelligent as an unenhanced dog, but plenty of enhanced and provolved jal dunggs have been made over the years. Unenhanced jal dungg are especially popular amongst Goliaths and other large clades that can carry them around without too much of a strain. The jalana dungg is a heavy gravity adapted variant of the jal dung that is popular amongst the Anakim.

The Lacrosse Genesis dungg, also known as the pocket dungg, is believed to have been created by a private gengineer sometime around 4600 a.t.. The pocket dungg has a body length of approximately seven centimeters, a thin prehensile tail of eight centimeters and weighs around ten grams when fully grown. The pocket dungg usually spends half a daycycle very active, and the other half sleeping. Unless the dungg is fed specially designed, highly nutritious food, they tend to have a voracious appetite throughout their waking period, and may actually begin to suffer from malnutrition or starvation if not constantly fed. Though the pocket dungg is very curious, and pretty smart, it has very tight ties to its owner, and rarely ventures far from em. The dungg may become very depressed if separated from em for even short amounts of time. Pocket dungg that have experienced separation tend to become even more tied to their owners, and may refuse to even leave the owner's body.

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Development Notes
Text by Thorbjørn Steen
Initially published on 25 April 2007.

Page uploaded 25 April 2007, last modified 19 March 2008
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