Mazukata's Holiday

Mazukata's Holiday
Image from Steve Bowers

Star: JD 3646279
Type: M5v
Luminosity: 0.02 x Sol
Distance from Sol: 1312 ly
Constellation: Canis Major
Allegiance: Sophic League

Planets: Mazukata's Holiday: Type: Vesperian.
Diameter: 6806km
Semimajor axis: 0.01 AU

Graymalkin: Type: Cytherian.
Diameter: 7513 km
Semimajor Axis: 0.21 AU

Boreal: Type: Eujovian.
Diameter: 60104km
Semimajor Axis: 0.95 AU
Colonised Mazukata's Holiday is a small world with a dense atmosphere. Its surface gravity is only 3.5 m/sec^2, but the atmospheric pressure is almost 1.5 atmospheres. The starward surface is 80% water. It is tidally locked to its primary. In the endless daylight of the hot pole, the temperature sometimes reaches 65 C, but the temperature is usually lower because of the almost permanent pall of cloud over the substellar region.

At the eternally dark cold pole, the temperature rarely rises above -50C. Only the depth of its oceans prevents them from freezing to the bottom in the vicinity of the cold pole. The majority of the habitable equatorial landmasses are a series of large islands and associated island arcs, with a total land area of slightly more than 7 million square kilometres.

There are only two other planets in this small system. In the next orbit out from Mazukata's Holiday is Graymalkin, a small dense, heavily volcanic mineral rich world with an atmosphere composed largely of methane, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. The final world, Boreal is a medium-sized gas giant circled by the usual collection of small icy and rocky moons.

Mazukata's Holiday is well-known for the flying clades the Virds and Vats, and for the intriguing structures on the nearby world Greymalkin.

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Development Notes
Text by John Snead
Initially published on 08 October 2001.

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